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Authors Note: in this AU, Henry ended up killing Jack causing Dave to snap and lose it completely, also Dave killed Henry in a blind rage; ALSO WARNING MENTIONS OF SELF HARM in this if these things make you feel uncomfortable I suggest not reading!

[ Dave's P.O.V]
I hate this town.. I hate everything I'm all alone, without old sport who am I. I failed.. failed to protect him. This whole town is scared of me. I don't blame them.. I can't trust myself anymore. Every person I see is just a black silhouette, some people try to stop me. But they all end up red stains on the concrete. I just wander aimlessly around this God awful town. Henry did this.. it's all his fault he killed the one that I love the most my dearest love. Jack I miss him so much, the pain is ever lasting. I'll spread this fucking despair across this whole town. I'll make them feel the lost of someone dear to them. And once I'm done I'll rot away leave the ground to swallow me whole. Voices repeat in my head, all I can hear is whispers. Soon I'll be done and leave nothing in my wake. I'm coming Jack.. I'll be with you again..

[ Jack's P.O.V]
( This is another Jack from an different AU, one similar to this but where things didn't go to hell)

I slowly open my eyes the bright sun shines through the window. I noticed right away that Dave isn't with me. This worries me Dave usually never leaves me in the morning. Only ever to try to attempt to cook breakfast for me. I walk out of our bedroom to see that the place is a mess. It looks like no body has been here in a while. Tables and chairs are flipped over and stuff is scattered. I start to panic trying to calm myself down. I take deep breaths as I stumble downstairs and out the door. I see smoke in the distance. What's going on, this thought fills my head as I rush out into the streets. Everything is almost quiet as an car alarm plays off in the distance. The streets are empty and some building are on fire or are burnt down. How.. everything was fine a day ago there's no way in fucking hell that this could of happened this fast. I stumble across the empty streets. I see no body.. no families out walking not even a soul. What happened here.. I think as I see police tape. Dead bodies I can smell the coppery sent of blood both old and new. Tape of where a person died lays across the street. I walk around trying desperately to put any sort of pieces together.
Suddenly I hear a voice.. no not just any voice.. that new York accent.
" D-Dave?!" I shout this into the empty streets as I noticed him he's at the park sitting down. He's humming one of the songs I taught him. As suddenly he raises his head.

[ Third P.O.V]
Dave raises his head.. that voice.. it can't be Jack. He gets up from his seat and turns to look around and then he sees him. His eyes widen in disbelief.
" J-Jack..?" He replies this as he turns to face him fully. But as soon as Jack sees him he gets an uneasy feeling. Like he can sense malice coming from his husband. The left side of his body is almost covered in an shadow. And yet his eyes shows great intense pain mixed with insanity. One his left arm their are scars going down his arm almost to his hand. Dave didn't have these scars before, he had some but not this much. The left sleeve is cut off and his neck has an older visible scar. His face shows confusion like he can't believe that he is even seeing Jack. Quickly Dave stumbles over to Jack and reaches out to him.
" D-Dave.. what happened here.. what happened to you.. your all hurt and oh god..!" Jack says this placing a hand on Dave's face, Dave seems to melt into this sudden interaction like he hasn't had this in decades.
" Sportsy.. is that really you.. my eyes aren't deceiving me.. I thought you were-.." Before Dave finished the line, he looks down at the ground his face shows great sorrow. His soft but yet crazy smile drops to a frown. Like just the thought of whatever he was gonna say hurts to even think about.
Dave wraps his arms around Jack's hips and pulls him into a hug.
His grip is like iron, his body feels stiff. Jack reluctantly hugs back rubbing lightly on Dave's back.
" Well your smart sportsy you can probably guess what happened.. but I have you now huh~" Dave says this as he pulls away slightly to look at Jack.
" To answer your question before.. I did this.. without YOU.. I snapped.. I couldn't take being without YOU.. this town took you away from me.. so I decided to make them feel the utter despair that I felt!" Dave says this as Jack feels uncomfortable, this isn't his Dave. What ever this Dave went through changed him, it drove him to the brink of insanity. Dave grips Jack's wrist and tugs him along there footsteps echo throughout the city. Dave leads him back to their house. He lifts him up off the floor and carries him through the mess to the couch. He sits him down on his lap and kisses him. Jack wouldn't be able to escape now, even if he did he couldn't help but feel bad. If what's he's saying is true this Dave lost his version of Jack because of Henry. And this action drove him to revenge. He'd been spreading the same feeling that was brought a pond him. The scar.. well Jack can only assume that it was self made. Jack never thought that Dave would end like this if he died one day. But this is different than just dying, he lost him because of an spiteful person. Dave tightens his grip around Jack. He tries not to squeeze him to tightly. " Dave.." Jack says this with a sigh giving him a quick peck on his cheek. He runs his hand on his cheek rubbing his face gently.
Dave closes his eyes and relaxing a bit. He leans back against Jack for that moment he seems sane, like all his pain has went away.
" Dave.. I'm sure.. he cared about you a lot..!" Jack says this softly, feeling Dave sigh. " I know he did.. I'm glad even if you aren't mine.. just to see you..  I don't want to let go.." Dave says this opening his a bit it's his normal eyes, still there's hints of insanity but he's better. He might never be the same but he's getting better.
" It's getting dark out sportsy.. let's go to sleep." Dave says this picking Jack back up and carrying him back upstairs. It didn't feel like hours had passed but the sun proves Jack wrong.
They lay down next to each other in bed and doze off lightly. The sun rises after the night passed. Jack opens his eyes and doesn't see Dave. He gets up slowly and looks around. He hears shuffling. " Dave..?" Jack says this as Dave peeks into the room, it's his Dave. He looks worried he walks over to him. " Sportsy where were you, I couldn't find you anywhere..?" Dave says this as Jack just hugs him tightly. He's happy to have him, seeing what happened to the other Dave made him realize that's he's lucky. They both embrace in a tight hug.

[ Dave's P.O.V]
Once I woke up Jack wasn't there, he was sent back to where he originally was. But maybe this whole idea was stupid. I need to get out of this town, maybe I'll go to Vegas and move there. The pain will never end I know this. But at least now I have a bit of comfort. I start packing up my stuff, I try not to think of the pain. I love you Jack where ever you are. I grab pictures and clothes and sneak out of town at the dead of night. Where ever this road takes me, I'll follow it...
[ Tommorow is another day]

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