The Toy Factory ⚙️🧸

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[ Authors Note- This is inspired by a Dr. Steel song, Lament For A Toy Factory, the original artist retired, respect for him!]

[ 3rd P.O.V]
The rooms light flickers slightly the bulb is long over due for a changing. The room is covered in a thick pad to prevent in injuries for the ones who would remain. The old rusty door to his cell creaks open and a detective appears. He brings a old box tv with him on an old cart. He wheels over to the deranged aubergine man in the corner. He has been convicted with mass arson and serveral manslaughter cases. And with a flick of a button the old tv turns on to a news channel. " A famous toy factory burned down, serveral employees dead or injured, multiple owners found murdered in their homes.. - static-.. William XXXXX undergoing trail for his crimes.." And as the lady on the tv finishes her sentence the detective flicks off the tv.
" We have enough evidence, we have a motive, they're going to keep you locked up in here forever, freaks like you should get the fucking death sentences like the dogs you are!" The detective says this coldly pocking the aubergine man in a mocking sense.
" Well.. who's the real dog detective the one who's stuck in his miserable job or the one who's free from all that utterly stupid shit!?" Dave mutters this trying to stick this burnt out detective I'm his heart. But he just mumbles to himself about what a freak Dave is. Then they both hear a strange knock on the door. And then shouting and yelling gun shots and banging on the door to open up. The detective steps back away pulling out his gun. Dave looks up towards the door confused. Who's put there and most importantly what do they want with him. And the the door opens with a loud creaking sound and something hard lands in the middle. A smoke bomb, in a flash the room is covered up. Dave squints his eyes trying to see who is in the fog. More gunshots and then the detective gets thrown across the room. His body slummed over in pain against the wall to the left of him. Long bendy metal arms land near him. Causing Dave to back himself into a corner. Whatever or whoever this is definitely doesn't mean good right? From these metal arms comes a person. Dave can barely get out their features because of the smoke. He can tell it's a man with almost orange hair and red eyes?
" Hmm you there scientist.. I'll ask you this once are your William Afton!?" The man says this as one of his metal limbs convert into a hand grabbing Dave. He is pulled forward closer to the man now he can see him clearly.
" U-Um no wrong person?!" Dave mumbles this swallowing saliva that was trapped in his throat.
" Oh well.. hehe guess that's a shame I was going to.. I don't know give him a little business proposition!?" The man says this giving a fake tone in his voice, he knows that it's him.
" Um what kind of proposition.. would that be.. Mr..?" Dave says this his words mumbling as they come out. But he can't help but to observe this man brilliant work of machinery. The way the arms move around is fantastic. He is almost completely lost in thoughts before the man snaps him back to reality. " Well hehe silly you can't tell you.. unless you are him!" The man says this almost teasing him, at this point it's better than nothing.
" I.. am the man you're looking for.. I'm William Afton!" Dave mumbles this he hates his original birth name.
" Hm let's see if you're really telling the truth then!" The man says this as one robotic limb grabs one of his tied arms. And another appears stabbing him lightly leaving a dripple of blood.
" It seems you are.. just brilliant wonder it's nice to meet you Mr. Afton~!" The man says this his tone has some flirtatious vibes coming from it. " Um so what was this proposition for me you had?" Dave says this as he his dragged even more closer.

 " Um so what was this proposition for me you had?" Dave says this as he his dragged even more closer

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" Join me and my company Mr. Afton, you'll make whatever your beautiful sick mind can think!!" The man says this reaching out one of his actual hands to him. " W-WHATEVER I WANT.. I mean uh.." Dave blushes slightly embarrassed by his excitement at this offer.
" Why would you want me to help you?" Dave questions this as the man chuckles slightly. " Oh Mr. Afton I'm a fan of your work, the way you burned down that factory was just hmm yes!" The man motions his hands making a mwa sound. " Just imagine William what you'd be able to do with stuff that's not just toys!" The man grabs his by his shoulders slightly looking excitedly at him. " Y-Yeah that sounds good..!" Dave mumbles this as suddenly he's being picked up off the ground. His face turns a bright lavender color. " Hold on tight Mr. Afton.. and also the name's Jack.. Kennedy you're going to love it here~!" Jack says this with a smirk as he blasts through the roof.

[ Tommorow is another day]

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