Catch And Release [ Kidnapped Finale]

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[ authors note- hello everyone this is gonna be the final part in the little kidnapped story, this is how I VIEWED it, and the last part is mostly up to how the readers viewed it, anyway hoped you enjoyed it was fun writing this!]

Alternative Outcome 1: Leaving

[ 3rd P.O.V]

" I-I'm sorry Dave.. but.. I.. I c-can't stay.. j-just not now.." Jack mumbles this but surprisingly Dave takes it well? " No.. NO it's alright.. yeah I understand I mean.. I did kidnap you heh!" Dave chuckles this but inside he wanted old sport to stay. He'd promise he'd let him go. And he's going to hold his word for that. Maybe if he's lucky Jack will forgive him one day.. r-right? Jack gets up brushing himself off it felt werid to be leaving. But at the same time he knew he had to staying didn't feel like a good idea for him. Maybe he'll meet Dave at another restaurant only time will tell.

[ Time Skip 30 years later]

Jack walks around the endless halls with a flashlight in his hand. He's searching for something. Or maybe it's someone. He knows the risks he's taking at these old abandoned Freddy's location. Falling in holes, breaking bones, still activated animatronics. But once he find it or well THEM it'll be all worth it right. And then he heard movement. It came from the darkness from the void. But his flashlight can only shine so far. And it doesn't reach into the depth of this horrible place. Jack breathes in and out trying to calm down. Panicking won't do nothing to help. He turns his head facing to where the noise came. For a second but only a second he thought he heard footsteps.
He turns back around convincing himself that he's driving himself to insanity. But something stops him from thinking this..
" S-Sportsy.. is that y-y-you, long time n-no see old friend!!" His voice not just anyone's voice Dave's. But it sounds broken and distorted.
" Dave.. OH FUCk.. god you scared me.. u-um?" Jack tilts his head almost to look at once was this aubergine man. He's in a spring lock suit noticely the Bonnie one. " Oh hehe c-confused sportsy.. old D-Davey just g-got into some t-trouble!" Dave let's out a laugh almost brushing this off. But Jack notices that he isn't just in the suit. The dim light reveals that he is spring locked into it. That would explain the smell. " Also d-dear sportsy m-may I a-ask why did y-you come h-here.. maybe y-you're looking for s-something... or a specific s-s-someone?" Dave moves towards Jack motioning in a circle around him waiting for his response.
" I um.. ugh what I you trying to say that I'm looking for you aubergine man!?" Jack says this mumbling this as he says this. Trying not to make it obvious that Dave was 100% right.
" Maybe I a-am sportsy.. but I am j-just happy to s-see someone i-it's been s-sooo long!" Dave mutters this moving closer towards Jack slowly. Seeing him inching towards him Jack steps back against a wall.
" Yeah I guess it's.. okay to see you Dave.. but um can you please step back?" As Jack says this he doesn't notice himself heating up.
" Oh.. Hm.. hehe.. w-what's with you b-blushing sportsy~?" Dave says this ina teasing manner, knowing it'll most likely get a reaction out of Jack.
" Fuck off aubergine man!" Jack says this flipping Dave off with one hand while trying to open the exit door with another. Click clatter it doesn't open. " FUCKING HELL!!!" Jack shouts this kicking his foot against the door, groaning at this. Dave places a hand on Jack's shoulder lightly and slides him out of the way. And with a CRUNCH the door is gone.
" T-Thanks Dave.. um let me guess you're going to ask to come with you.. listen I'm fine with it as long as!" Jack says this pulling Dave closer.
" You don't FUCKING MURDER ANY GOD DAMN KIDDENS AUBERGINE MAN!" Jack says this glaring into Dave's broken and shattered soul. But Dave just shrugs smirking at sportsy from underneath the bunny mask.
And after both heading out of the restaurant and into the broken down old truck Jack has they head towards the Dinner.

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