Detective Jack

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[ Jack's P.O.V]
" Welcome to the force young detective.. you'll be assigned to the fazbenders case with the cases of missing children!" The police chief says this as he points out the door. I let's out a sigh.. no detective has ever been able to even get close to solving it. " I'll be fired if I can't solve this case.." I open my car door and drive off to the nearest location an child has went missing at this location another death at fazbenders. After what feels like a while of driving I pull up to the pizzeria. And get out of my car, time to start the investigation. I show my badge to the main employee, apparently their boss had to leave for an very important meeting. I wander around the pizzeria, but once I enter the bathroom corridor, and grey door interests me.

[ Third P.O.V]

As soon as Jack enters the doorway theirs another figure waits for him in the some what empty room, it smells like smoke and rust. The man stands above him by like an foot, his skin is an shade of purple, his hair is darker than his skin. He looks up from the cigarette he's smoking and snuffs it out, sending an smirk towards the new face. His gaze shifts down to the badge.. " Another detective.. at least this one is kinda cute!" Dave thinks this to himself observing the man who stands before him, he's way shorter with fluffy dark orange hair and light skin, some freckles rest on his cheek. " Why hello there Mr detective..?" Dave says this giving the new face an grin. Jack let's out a groan he can all ready tell what kind of person this man is. " Hello there Mr.. my name's Jack.. Jack Kennedy.. I work for the Colorado police department, may I ask you some questions?" Jack says this knowing he probably won't answer any questions, but it's worth a try.
" Nice to meet you there Jack.. my name's Dave Afton!" Dave says this with a wink. Jack fills his cheeks fill with slight blush, he brushes this off.
" Alright first off, don't trust the phone headed man he's an fucking coward, will through you under the bus in a split second!" Dave says this as his smirk fades with annoyed frown.
" The Phone guy.. you mean the boss of this establishment.. right, I haven't meet him yet.." Jack says this confused as the purple man lights another cigarette. " Yup that's the guy.. so Mr. Kennedy if you need anything help just ask me..!" Dave winks at him with a flirtatious smile. Jack turns around trying to ignore this flirty eggplant behind him. " I'm fine.. for now.." Jack replies this trying to ignore the feeling of his face heating up. He walks out of the safe room to go explore around the restaurant to take notes.
" Hm.. that detective won't stand a chance.." Dave says this as he slips on the golden Spring Bonnie suit. Making sure to avoid the spring locks. Sneaking out of the safe room to go preform to the demon kids, wandering around the restaurant. Out in the dinning room he can't help to watch the detective, something about him fascinated Dave. As he watched from somewhat of a distance a person could get. After a while of resisting the urge to murder children for being little demons he overheard the detective mumbling something to himself. " This.. is my first case if I don't solve it..  I can't get fired not.. shit I haven't gotten any clues or evidence yet how am I supposed to.. ugh!" Jack mumbled this to himself letting out a sigh he tried his best to focus. But he couldn't help the feeling of being watched. He glanced around his shoulder to see what looked like a man in a Golden Bunny suit wandering around the restaurant. He couldn't make out who it was since the suit covered most of his body.         " Maybe I'll check somewhere else.?" Jack says this as he walks off marking notes of the buildings layout. As he walked away Dave watched him from the suit trying to not look suspicious. But he couldn't help but feel bad for him. He walks over to the office trying not to alert the detective he grab a piece of paper and decided to give him a little hint. " Where the deepest part lies is where something lies rotten!" Dave writes this on the note adding a little >; ] right below the passage. He stumbles over to the bulletin and places the note so that it's easy to see. Then he heads back to the safe room to get this terrible suit off. He makes sure the detective won't see him. Then he quickly makes his way over to one of the open chairs and sits down. Waiting for the detective to find his little clue. After a while of him just walking around he finally notices it and walks up to the note. He looks around but doesn't really know what it's talking about. " Dave.. he's worked here for a while it seemed he would probably know..?" Jack asks this as he notices that Dave is just chilling over at one of the chairs with his feet up on the table. He walks over to him hesitantly. " Dave.. I need your help with this note.. I think it has to do with the case.." Jack says this tapping his shoulder as Dave turns his head to face him grabbing the note as Jack hands it to him. " Hmm if I was to think I'm pretty sure the ball pit is the deepest part of this place, but well it's a dangerous job so let's leave it to the professionals!" Dave says this somewhat seriously motioning for the detective to take out his phone. After a while of waiting outside together in the somewhat cold. The team arrives looking somewhat suspiciously at Jack and Dave. And then before they can even see it the smell. " God ugh smells fucking horrible?" Jack coughes this out mumbling to himself. " Heh well I'd think you'd be use to the smell detective?~" Dave looks at the detective while trying to hold off a cheeky grin at him. He could tell his tone was flirtatious but he couldn't help to mess with this cute..! Before Dave could finish this he sweeped  this thought away. But Jack doesn't respond to the aubergine man and instead remains silence. " Oh well I guess we make a good team huh sportsy?~" Dave says this nudging his partner silently. Jack pushes him away as he lights a cigarette and blows out smoke in the shape of a circle. " Here.." Jack says this facing away from the aubergine man while he hands him an cigarette. He can't bring himself to look at this man.          " Thanks I owe you one!!" Dave says this with almost a purr sound as he takes the cigarette. Jack hesitates as he waves goodbye to the man he just meet. Dave's voice almost echos behind him as shouts to him. " Bye Mr. Kennedy!~"

[ Jack's P.O.V]

I let out a sigh as I get home as I completely collapse on the bed in pure exhaustion. But one thing remains why would the killer purposely leave a note for just anyone to find? It doesn't make any sense do they want to get caught. So many fucking unanswered questions. But I can't just sit here time to get into the deep stuff. I get up and head to my office upstairs and turn on the old computer. I start searching for anything, leads, clues, names anything that'll give any sort of clue. After a while of writing things down. An idea pops into my brain. " Shit that guy in that bunny suit thing he was watching me maybe it's him!?" I say this jumping out of my seat as I put on a jacket. I need to head back in there maybe I'll find employee records. I walk off towards the pizzeria but not before grabbing an umbrella.

[ Dave's P.O.V]
I lay up against a tree not to far from the pizzeria. The job well doesn't pay well at all. It's so fucking cold out though with all this rain. I'd be lucky to con someone out of enough money to afford a hotel. I let out a sigh feeling tired from a long day at work. Maybe that cute detective will come back to Freddie's tommorow. I ended up dozing off for I don't know how long until a family voice calls my name. Concern hinted in it's voice.
" Huh.. Jack?" I mumble this as I rub my eyes open it's now raining outside. And standing in front of me is that dang detective. I can see the concern in his eyes. " Dave.. the fuck you doing out here it's freezing and raining outside!?" He asks this almost shouting, I can tell he doesn't mean it.
" Well I don't got a h-house, Freddie's only pays me in threats!"  I mumble this shivering in the hold, he..holds his hand out to me? " Let's get you somewhere warm.. I'll pay for a hotel for you until I can find you a real job!" Jack says this his words are so warm, I haven't been treated this well ever since.. nevermind. " Yeah sure.. sounds better than this.. but you sure?" I ask him this confused this has to be a joke right. " Listen I ain't leaving you out here.." He almost mumbles this but I can't help smiling at him. " Hehe thanks sportsy!!~" I say this with a wink grinning at him. Wait did I catch him blushing?! " STOp fucking grinning at me like that!" Jack says this pushing my face away. I just laugh at him, today's a good day.

[ Authors note- sorry if it seems all over the place, this was based off me and my friends ElizMC99  roleplay we did a long while ago and I can't remember the exact details]

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