Chapter 2~ Training

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(Autumn's POV)

Autumn charged at her opponent, but he flipped her over with ease, delivering a sharp nip on her wing. "Use your fire!" He growled at her, leaping forwards. Ok, Thought Autumn, Duck, roll, swipe, fire. 

Autumn fixed her eyes on her uncle's face, calculating which was the best way to attack. Suddenly Hawk charged, and Autumn leapt into the air to avoid her uncles claws. She dropped behind her uncle and ducked as he shot a blast of scorching fire at her. She rolled under her uncle and bit down gently on his tail. 

Before she could dart away, Hawk swept around and pined Autumn down, his claws sinking into her belly.  "If this wasn't training, you'd be dead." Hawk snarled at her. Autumn's uncle released her and swept away, muttering about the lack of skill in dragonets.

Autumn huffed and sat up, twitching her tail angrily. She touched the small pouch that hung around her neck, containing knives and a couple of discs. The pouch had been her mother's when she was young, and it was the only thing she had left behind after she died. 

Autumn got up, limped to her room and lay down on her woven leaf mat, thinking about what her parents would have been like if they were still alive. Her father had been a hybrid, a Leafwing-Skywing hybrid whose name was Aucuba. Her mother had been a secret animus Nightwing called Abysswatcher, named appropriately for the way she watched an abyss when she was worried or sad. They were both explorers, and one day they were travelling to the kingdom of sand, and after awhile when they didn't come back it was decided they were dead. 

I was probably better off without them... Thought Autumn sadly. She shook her head and padded over to her wooden scroll rack  and picked up her favourite book. It was called: Secrets of Pantala, by Cricket. It had been written over a hundred years ago, so it was fragile and old.

Autumn flicked through the pages, and by the time she had finished it, it was dark out. Autumn padded quietly to the kitchen, careful not to wake her uncle. When she got to the kitchen cupboard, Autumn picked out a guava and flew silently up to her room and sat on her bed. 

Autumn chewed on her fruit, lost in thought. I wonder if tonight I could go for a little fly. It's so bright with two of the moons out, and I'd come back soon.... After arguing with herself for a few minutes on whether or not to go, she decided to go. Autumn finished her guava and glided out of her window, and flew toward the cove she'd found a week ago. She landed, stirring up the leaves that covered the floor.

Autumn thought she saw a flash of black hurtle behind some trees, but she shrugged it off and dipped her snout in the water. Suddenly she heard a twig snap, and she spun around, but she was too late to see the small branch that was swinging towards her. She felt a painful impact, and suddenly darkness claimed her, pulling her down, deep down into its dark depths of nothingness.


Whew! Only 743 Words but, that's pretty good for me. I wonder who would dare to knock Autumn out? Can you guess? Also, sorry about the short chapter! The next one I am aiming for at least 1k words, maybe 2k.

Also, for my next chapter, I will need some OCs. It has to be a rainwing or a nightwing, or it can be a nightwing-rainwing hybrid. Please include:






(Short) Backstory:


Looks (Eye/Scale colour):



For example:

Name: Secretfinder.


Gender: Female.

Age: 17 years.

Personality: Kind, Funny, serious at times.

Backstory: Was abandoned when she was 3, found by Poppy, Queen of the rainwings.

Powers/Ability's: Mind reading.

Looks: Dark blue eyes, silver scales beside her eyes and under her wings, very dark purple scales.

Likes: Scrolls, art, school and science.

Dislikes: Thunder/Lightning/Storms, spiders. 


Ko Mana tōku maunga, Ko Aroha te moana, Ko Whānau tōku waka, Ko au e tū atu nei.

Mana is my mountain, And Aroha is my sea, Whānau is my waka, And all of that is me.

(Six60, Pepeha)

See you soon!


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