Chapter 10~ Misjudged

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(Autumn's POV, four weeks and three days later. Seven days until she has to kill again.)

Everyone was tired. Even Autumn.

Four weeks of flying. Zero signs of Hopeseeker.

So, of course, everyone was bad tempered.

"Shut up!" Horse Manure roared.

"You shut up!" Dusk cried.

"Will you ALL SHUT UP." Autumn yelled at them.

There was silence.

Autumn went back to thinking.

Which one do I kill? That's obvious. Horse Manure.

Dusk and Earthquake had gone back to arguing.

Autumn sighed.

"Time to stop for the night."

"But if we keep going-" Cometgazer protested.

"Horse Manure will kill us all."

Earthquake snarled.

"I will." He muttered.


Autumn dived.

They had searched the Kingdom of Sand yesterday, and were now on the boarder of the Ice Kingdom.

'It's so colllllld!" Dusk whined.

"It'll be even colder in the actual Ice Kingdom, so get used to it." Eclipse snapped.

Autumn groaned.

Cometgazer lit a fire with some wood she had gathered earlier.

Once again, Autumn was on guard.

Once all the dragonets were asleep, Autumn's claws began to tingle.

But that only happens two days before-

Silversecret comes up behind Autumn, and she jumped.

She sat down beside Autumn and they both stared ahead.

"I really don't know much about you." Silversecret murmured.

"I guess we can both say that." Autumn muttered back.

"Could you tell me about everyone else?" Autumn whispered.

"Sure." Silversecret answered.

"Horse Manure- Earthquake, I mean - Is a NightWing-MudWing hybrid. I don't know anything other than he's rude, cruel, and horrible to everyone."

"Dusk is a RainWing- obviously - but not an ordinary one. She- she sees things. Things we can't."

"Eclipse is Hopeseeker's sister. She doesn't talk much."

"Cometgazer has had things happen. Her mother and Hopeseeker's were good friends. They went walking one night- Somebody attacked them. All Cometgazer told us is that Cosmo- Hopeseeker's mother- Saved Cometgazer's mother, but lost her own life."

"Dark." Autumn muttered. "And you?"

"My father died when I was seven. My mother hated me, just because I was different."

"I guess we both have the same stories then." Autumn lied.

"Really?" Silversecret breathed.

She leaned closer to Autumn, and to Autumn's surprise, rested her head on Autumn's shoulder.

Autumn's heart speed up.

Silversecret stood. "Goodnight!" she said happily, and whisked away.

What is wrong with me? Autumn thought, shivering.

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