Chapter 6~ Enchanted

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(Cometgazer's POV)

Cometgazer paced outside the cave, waiting for Beehive to come out. 

She glanced over at the dragon slumped against a tree outside, and Cometgazer felt a pang of guilt. 

Sorry Hopeseeker. It had to be done. She thought.

But why did it have to be done? She wondered. Cometgazer growled and shook her head. Stop thinking treasonous thoughts! I can't disobey her... And if i do...

Beehive walked out of the cave dipping his head as he went by.

"She wants to see you now." He growled. Cometgazer nodded, and Beehive swept away. Cometgazer took a deep breath and entered the cave.

The large dragons gaze made Cometgazer shiver.

"Greetings, your ladyship." Cometgazer murmured.

"Greetings." Was the cold reply. "Report."

Cometgazer shivered. "The plan was successful. There is no doubt she will come looking for him." Cometgazer hesitated before lowering her voice and speaking again.

"There is a small flaw though..." She said nervously.

"What?" The dragon said, sounding calm.

"Hawk and his niece have moved." Cometgazer muttered.

The dragon fell silent, planning.

"I'll cast a spell. Bring me a stone." She said slowly.

Cometgazer nodded and hurried out of the cave. Grabbing the first stone she saw, Cometgazer ran back into the cave. She placed the stone on the floor and turned around, closing her eyes. 

After all, nobody was allowed to see her ladyship.

Claws clicked on stone as the dragon walked over to the rock and picked it up. The flapping of wings echoed around the cave as the dragon flew up to her stalagmite in the shadows.

Cometgazer turned and saw the dragons tail slip away.

There was a long silence before the stone rolled back down and stopped at Cometgazer's talons.

"Uhm... What does it do?..." Cometgazer asked, picking the stone up. As her talons made contact with the stone, power surged through her, and she dropped it with a yelp.

The dragon laughed. 

"It will lead you to her and her uncle. Once you find them, hide this rock in her pouch. And don't worry, you'll get used to the feeling of power."

Cometgazer dipped her head and picked up the stone. Power surged through her again and she nearly dropped it. Hurrying out of the cave, she spread her wings. 

The stone pulled her forward, and Cometgazer let it go. The enchanted rock shot away, heading south. Cometgazer rushed after it, her wings straining.


(Cometgazer's POV)

The rock began to slow, and Cometgazer let out a sigh of relief. She had been following the rock for hours, her muscles screaming. The enchanted rock now circled over the Knotted Canyon, and Cometgazer glanced down. A small hut was built into the cliff face.

"So that's it..." Cometgazer whispered to herself. She plucked the stone out of the air and stuffed it in her pouch.

Cometgazer glided silently down to the hut and peeked in one of the windows. Hawk was in the room. As if he sensed her presence, he turned to look at the window. Cometgazer ducked, holding her breath. 

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