Chapter 11~ Captured

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(Autumn's POV. A week later. Autumn is now in the Sky kingdom)

Tears dripped down Autumn's snout.

I didn't want to.

Even now, she still cried. She shouldn't, though. Earthquake was always cruel.

But... He had a life. One he could have lived. Why do I have to be like this?

Shaking her head to clear it, Autumn spotted a orange glow.

On closer inspection, it was the glow of a fire.

What is that?

To busy with her thoughts, she didn't notice the dark form of a dragon behind her. A dragon she would have recognised.

A blinding flash, a sharp pain and Autumn was gone.


(Some violence)

Hopeseeker's face was wet with tears as he watched the scene unfold.

Cometgazer bashed Autumn on the head, making her black out and fall towards the ground.

Autumn hit the hard stone with a sickening crunch, and Hopeseeker winced.

Cometgazer dove down and grabbed Autumn by her left wing.

"Beehive!" She bellowed, and a HiveWing hurried to her.

"Lift her other wing." Cometgazer instructed.

The HiveWing lifted Autumn with ease.

"You got her?" A voice asked.

"Yes." Beehive and Cometgazer replied.

"Good. Tie her up." The voice commanded.

They did so.


Autumn's arm hurt. And her skull. And her wings.

". . . It was easy." Cometgazer said.

Cometgazer? What? Where am I?

Autumn slowly opened her eyes, taking in the scene around her.

As she looked beside her, she let out a muffled yelp.

"Hopeseeker!" She cried. But since her snout was tied, it sounded more like; "Mhfmeeker!"

Hopeseeker looked back at her, his eyes happy.

Autumn heard talonsteps and her head jerked.

"Cometgazer!" She gasped as her... What? Friend? ripped off the muzzle.

"Hi." She snarled, before moving onto Hopeseeker.

"But- You-"

"Are working for them. Yes." Cometgazer muttered. 

"Enough of this." Said the voice. 

Cometgazer stepped back.

A dragon slithered down from an outcropping.

She looked exactly like Autumn, but older.

Autumn gasped.

"Do you know who I am?" She asked.

"N-no." Autumn stammered.

"Do you know who you are?" The dragon asked.

"Yes!" Autumn cried. "And I-"

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