Chapter 5~ Newfound secrets

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(Autumn's POV. This is set about 3 weeks after the first meeting. This is the 12th meeting they've had.)

"Autumn! Are you here?" Hopeseeker yelped.

Boy, he sure does yelp a lot. He sounds more like a scavenger pet 'dog' than a dragon. Autumn thought, smirking.

"Hi Hopeseeker." She called, emerging from the shrubbery. "Sorry if I took too long." She added.

I know I can trust him now. After all, he hasn't told anyone about me. Yet.  

"Nah, I just got here." Hopeseeker replied, jumping clumsily over a tree root, which made him trip over.

Autumn snorted playfully and tried to reach into Hopeseeker's mind. Again, there was nothing there, just a quiet hum. It's so strange. Autumn thought. For the first time she noticed a small earring fitted with a strange black rock. What is that rock? I've never seen it before... Hmmm. She wondered.

"Soooooo..." Hopeseeker drawled. "So what, moonface?" Autumn muttered.

"Hey! I heard that." Hopeseeker cried, whacking Autumn with his tail. Autumn huffed, batting his tail away.

"Oh! I forgot, I made you this." Autumn said shyly, twitching her tail slightly. She handed Hopeseeker a small vine, poked through a crystal. 

"Awwww... Thank you Autumn! It's so pretty!" Hopeseeker thanked her, accepting the gift.

"What should we do?" Hopeseeker asked lightly. 

"Let's collect fruit! And then eat everything we find! I'm starving, lets do it!" Autumn yelped, flinging herself into the trees. Hopeseeker followed, laughing at his friends excitement.

As they flew away, they didn't notice the dark blue eyes glaring at them through the trees. They didn't notice the starry wings glide toward the Nightwing village. And they didn't notice the small necklace fall to the ground far below.


(Hopeseeker's POV)

Hopeseeker glided home, remembering autumn's face as she tried blueberries for the first time. She had promptly stuffed her face with a hundred more before she fainted with the taste.

As he flew down to his hut, he found Cometgazer standing inside.

"Hi Cometgazer!" Hopeseeker said. "Hi." Was the bored reply. "Oh, you're not wearing your necklace?" Hopeseeker asked. "Hm? Huh, I must have left it in my room." She said, flicking her tail.

Strange... I don't think she ever takes off her necklace... Oh well, if she doesn't want to tell me, I wont ask. Hopeseeker thought. "Why are you here?" He asked Cometgazer. 

Cometgazer took a deep breath and spoke. "I-I saw you with... That hybrid." She said hybrid as if it was a rotten guava. 

"What do you-" Hopeseeker was cut off as Cometgazer continued to talk.

"Hopeseeker, I know you like her... But this has gone too far! Your grade is going down in school because you always go to see her, and you never study anymore!" She cried. 

"Who are you? My mum?" Hopeseeker snapped.

"Maybe I should be!" She yelled back. "Your mother certainly didn't look after you enough-" She cut off, shocked at what she had just said. Hopeseeker gasped, feeling his anger rise. 


"Hopeseeker... i-I'm sorry." Cometgazer whispered. 

"I DON'T WANT YOU TO SAY SORRY TO ME!" Hopeseeker cried.

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