Chapter 4~ The meetings begin

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(Hopeseeker's POV)

Hopeseeker glided out of his hut, his heart thumping. I hope she's there! I'll be so upset if she isn't... I wonder if she'll be wearing the Mood-stone?

Remembering Autumn's instructions, he flew to the palace gardens and walked south for a roundabout twelve minutes before he came to a small clearing covered with tulips and bromeliads. There was a small river flowing down the middle, and the water was decorated with water lilies. 

At the edge of the clearing there was a cave, and vines hung from it's entrance. It's beautiful! But where i- Hopeseeker's thoughts cut off as something large landed on him.

Hopeseeker yelped, throwing his wings out in surprise. He faced his attacker, and his heartbeat slowed. His 'Attacker' Was wearing a necklace that glowed yellow, that meant 'Amused' in Rainwing colours. "Autumn! Don't scare me like that!" He huffed grumpily.

Autumn giggled and tears of laughter filled her eyes. Hopeseeker smiled grimly at her, and flung himself at her. She just laughed harder and fell over. A few seconds later Hopeseeker fell over laughing too. 

 Autumn laughed at Hopeseeker even more when he rolled down into the river, showering her with water. After a few more minutes of laughing, they both calmed down and were able to talk again.

Autumn sat up. "What do you wanna do?" She asked. Hopeseeker shrugged. 

"Tree climbing? Fruit collecting? Exploring? Oh! we could SPY ON THE VILLAGE! I'M GREAT AT THAT!" Hopeseeker yelped. "Speaking of villages, where are you from Autumn?" He added. 

"First of all, lets do exploring. THEN we can spy." Autumn replied, ignoring his question. Hopeseeker frowned. 

"Ok!" He said aloud. Hopeseeker and Autumn walked into the trees, wings brushing, chattering like thrushes. 

Together they discovered new clearings, rivers, and once Hopeseeker nearly fell of a cliff. Autumn teased him about it for ages until she got the hint Hopeseeker didn't like it. After some time, they got bored and went to spy on the Nightwing village. 

Hopeseeker guided Autumn to a large kapok tree, found his favourite spot and beckoned for Autumn to sit down beside him. Her necklace was glowing blue, which meant curious. Hopeseeker swelled with pride. Autumn was about to see the Nightwing village! HIS village!

"Wow..." Autumn breathed as Hopeseeker parted the branches that hid the view of the village.

His village was awesome, he had to admit. There was a small pond in the middle, and light dappled the ground, shining through the leafy canopy above the village. The huts were made of wood, with open windows and large leaves for roofs. Dragons sat on low branches, watching their dragonets play. 

"Hopeseeker... It's wonderful!" Autumn murmured. Hopeseeker glanced happily at her and found longing overflowing her eyes, and he wondered why. Why did she look like that? He shrugged it off and turned his head upwards, grinning. 

"Yup. And it'll be even cooler in three... two... one!" Hopeseeker yelped. 

The sun rose to it's highest point, shining brighter than ever. It's brilliant light shone on the Nightwing home, revealing strange crystals hidden everywhere. Hopeseeker and Autumn gasped in awe. True, Hopeseeker had seen this many times before, but it never got old. "Come on!" Hopeseeker cried, leaping off his branch and diving toward the center of the village. He realized Autumn wasn't following him and turned around, surprised. 

"Hopeseeker... I-i can't." Autumn whispered. 

"Why?" Hopeseeker asked, puzzled. 

"I can't tell you that... I'm sorry." She replied sadly. 

"BUT WHY!? " Hopeseeker yelped.

 "If I tell you, I'll-" She cut off. 

"I'm sorry, Autumn." Hopeseeker murmured. 

"That's ok," Autumn replied. "I-i have to go... Bye."

"Bye, Autumn. See you tomorrow?" Hopeseeker asked. 

"Yeah. Same place and time." She agreed.

Hopeseeker watched Autumn fly away, his heart heavy with guilt. Why did I yell at her? Idiot! He thought, angrily twitching his tail. Hopeseeker sighed and launched himself into the air, flapping toward home.


Autumn sat on her bed, holding the Mood-stone Hopeseeker had given her and thinking.

Why did he ask where I live? Why does he want to know? Autumn's heart felt heavy as she pictured Hopeseeker's sad and angry face. I'm so, so sorry Hopeseeker... she thought sadly. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you. But I have no idea if I can trust you.

Autumn let her thoughts drift, and while she was teetering on the edge of slumber, she realized something. That whole time she was with Hopeseeker, she couldn't read his mind. How strange... Autumn thought as she finally plummeted into darkness, closing her eyes, still clutching the Mood-stone pendant.

Tall, dusty cliffs winded as far as she could see, and her heart twisted with anger. She glared at the dark red dragon flapping a few wingbeats ahead, fuming.

She struggled to control her rising temper, looking over her shoulder at the distant rainforest. She missed him already. The dark dragon pulled into a dive and her head snapped around, alert. She followed the deep red dragon down into the canyon, thinking.

As she dove, she spotted a goat, and dove toward it. Her shadow was cast over the goat, and it bleated in surprise. it's hooves scrambled on the dust covered rock, kicking up a mini duststorm.

The dragon gritted her teeth and glanced at a tiny cave in the rock. That must've been the way the goat was heading. She flapped harder, ignoring the roar of frustration behind her. The goat swerved, heading for a smaller cave. She wouldn't be able to get it, if it reached the cave. She changed her course, diving to block the animals escape. The goat reached its goal before she did, and she let out a roar of anger.

"STUPID DRAGONET!" The now very angry skywing roared. "COULDN'T YOU SEE IT!? YOU HUNT LIKE A BLIND HIPPO." She lifted her head defiantly, opening her mouth to speak. "Never mind, stupid." He said, interrupting her. "You'll be catching us food for the next week. Also extra hunting practice." She sighed. She hated hunting. It would be so much easier if she were in the rainforest, picking guvuas with her friend.

Autumn jolted awake, startled by the vivid dream. It had seemed so real.  But it couldn't have been. Right? She thought.


Hi, i just wanted to let you know that whenever i put up 'Editing...' At the top of a chapter, it means i am online and editing\writing this book. more of this chapter to come! Also, I just wanted to say I'm glad nobody is commenting stuff like "Update please!" Or "Please update." 

(Those are just the same words back to front)

 if anyone starts doing stuff like that they will be muted, because I spend every hour of free time I have at school and at home to write and proofread this book. Also, word count: 1182 words.

Could dress up, to get love

But guess what?

I'm never gonna be that girl

Who's living in a Barbie world

Could wake up, and make up, and play dumb

Pretending that I need a boy

Who's gonna treat me like a toy

(Daya, sit still look pretty)


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