Chapter 7~ Missing

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(Futuresight's POV)

Where is he?

Futuresight paced back and forth on the stone floor, thinking. 

It's been two days. Where could he have gone? Maybe he left a note in his room? Ugh, why didn't I think of that before? So stupid...

Futuresight trudged into Hopeseeker's room. There was no note saying he was going anywhere, no sign of struggle, so he must have stormed off in a sulk.

Was it just because I told him he was going to get married? Or was it something else?

Futuresight ducked under his sons bed, but found nothing.

He searched through Hopeseeker's boxes of books. Still nothing.

Futuresight's worry mounted.

I should look in his diary. He told me to never look at it, but this is important! Just one question. WHERE THE MOONS IS HIS DIARY.

After a few more minutes of rummaging through boxes, he finally found it, hidden safely under a pile of non-fiction books about fruit.

Who would want to read about fruit? Futuresight sighed.

He opened up the diary and flipped through the pages.

Something slipped out of Hopeseeker's diary and Futuresight snagged it with a claw. As he lifted it up, he realized that it was a drawing of a dragon.

A female dragon. One Futuresight did know.

Futuresight growled.

Under the drawing, it had a name written under it.


HOW IN THE MOONS DID HE FIND OUT ABOUT HER!? HAWK AND I PROMISED TO KEEP THEM APART! What if she killed him? Would she do that? She doesn't know, so maybe... I have to find him. But I can't! I have to stay here with the queen! Her second in command can't go wandering off... Let's just hope he comes back... Alive.


(Autumn's POV)

Her uncles snores echoed around the house, and Autumn crept past his room.

Not like he could hear me anyway.

She rolled her eyes.

The door was locked, as expected.

Worth a try though.

Autumn took a deep breath and focused her mind.

Since I'm part LeafWing, maybe I have leafspeak?... My dad did so...

She chose a large, strong vine and curled it around a small tree trunk, which she then hurled through the door, causing the door to splinter and crack.

THAT probably woke Hawk up. Better run.

Sure enough, as Autumn flew away, Hawk glared after his niece, roaring in fury as he flew after her.

The chase was on.


Autumn slumped against a tree, breathless. Her uncle had followed her for HOURS and she was so TIRED.

As she looked up at the wet leaves of the tree above her, a drop of water splashed against Autumn's snout. She huffed and twitched her wings, causing a waterfall of raindrops to cascade over her.

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