Izou and Serafall just glare at each other for a while not making any movements.
Serafall was Searching for an opening in her opponents defenses and in her mind she states...
Serafall: (I won't kill you....but I'll make sure you lose some teeth before this battle ends.)
Izou: (Guess I'll use that then....Kyoka you ready?)
A purple haired woman would appear in his soulscape.
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Kyoka: Of course.
Izou: Then let's do this.
Izou pulls put his other sword and says
Izou: Allow me to show you Serafall, my Kyoka Suigetsu
He pulls out his Kyoka Suigetsu, the Sekiken Zansastsu was his blade as well but he uses kyoka suigetsu if he knows his opponent is stronger than him.
He holds his sword in front of his opponent.
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Fatal mistake.
In Izou's mind would say.
Izou: ("Shatter Kyoka Suigetsu")
Kyoka just grins and then.....
Izou's body is shattered but immediately returns back to his original state immediately.
Serafall: (What was that? Was that supposed to do something?)
With the others

Izou:The Kin Slayer
AventureIzou, formerly known as Izou Sitri but after a certain incident in the world earned his moniker as "The Kin Slayer" and has been ostracized by the whole Devil faction and half of the world in general... How will he handle it? Read and find out. VOL...