Target elimnated/Dragon Vs Doomsday Pt.1

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Morgiana: Something's about to go down tonight, I can just tell.

While flying over the army she notices that all the soldiers stopped in front of a huge Building.

Helicopters were surrounding the building as well so there must be someone or something important in there.

Helicopters were surrounding the building as well so there must be someone or something important in there

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Morgiana: Well let's get started.

She enhances her hearing to hear to eavesdrop on the soldiers.

Sergeant: Lieutenant Ashari wants that cargo delivered ASAP, corporal are all the cameras completely shut down And the civilians evacuated?

Corporal: Yes sir!! Nobody should be seeing this at all sir. There is a magic barrier around this whole city, to the civilians it looks like a regular night to them.

Seargrant: All right!! move out!!

Morgiana: (So the civilians are on the other side of the magic Barrier they placed, but what's in that container?

She can worry about that later she needs to take out the tanks and soldiers on the ground.

Morgiana: (Let's do this!!)

And so she jumps off the building and screams

Morgiana: Fire Dragon Roar!!

The soldiers on the ground heard this scream and they put up a shield to block the fire while some of the flames was blocked, it still caused a good amount of damage to them.

Soldier: What the hell was that?!

Soldier2: Who cares!! Just kill this brat!!

Tanks and soldiers all aim at Morgiana

With Ritsuka

Ritsuka didn't know who that kid was but she seemed capable of handling herself.

Ritsuka: The tanks and soldiers are aiming at her....

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