Young Devils Gathering PT.3

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After that little scuffle in the room which resulted in Zelphyrdor knocked out, the guards picked him up and escorted him out of the room.

Kagura: (I thought that he would at least put a scratch on me but I guess that was too much to ask for.)

Some of the devils looking on would be shocked by the power and precision used by Kagura and some wanted to recruit her into their peerages.

Ah, the wonders of wishful thinking.

And even if they did try to make recruit her into a peerage she would reject it immediately and cut their heads off and move on like it was regular day.

She will never be a slave.

Milltelt: (Jeez, how long until this ceremony starts? I wanna get out of here as soon as possible.)

All three of them would agree to that notion of getting out of here as soon as they get their reward....

If the reward is actually there or not.

Morgiana: (As much as I agree with you, we still have to get our reward.)

Milltelt would scoff and say...

Milltelt: (If what she claims about getting a one is true. Wouldn't surprise me If getting a reward was a lie.)

Kagura: (I understand that you have doubts Milltelt, but if she is trying to fix her relationship with Izou she wouldn't even think about lying about a reward.)

Milltelt looks to the side and gave it some thought about that but.....

Milltelt: (I'm just saying that this might all be a trap.)

Morgiana: (If that's the case we fight.)

Kagura: (Exactly, negotiating would be pointless.)

Milltelt knew they were right, but with so many enemies including the 4 satans, just how are they gonna get past them?

The three of them knew that it could be a possibility.

But if it does happen.....

Milltelt: (I'd rather go out swinging, than bowing my head to these guys, the notion of me doing that makes me pissed off.)

Bowing to these guys?! Hell no.

Not now, not ever.

Morgiana can be seen smirking at her answer

Fighting to the bitter end.

That's something she can get behind and would go on to say....

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