Crashing Down PT.1

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He has some nerve to do something so foolish as this.

Selling the one thing she needed to free a friend of hers was something she can't allow.

She gave him a piece of land which his power grew to a large to degree in which it expanded to a kingdom. And the citizens there made him king.

She gave him the things he needed to protect his kingdom...

Soldiers, Sturdy walls, weapons.

And what does that moron do to repay her?

Stopped her plans to fulfill his desires.

With that in mind he had to die.

But it won't be a slow one, oh no that would be too good for someone as ungrateful as this.

Rimuru??: Me giving him the power to be a king was a mistake on my part, a mistake I intend to correct.

She would've teleported to his location in an instant but that would be too easy since she won't be able destroy anything he has taken from her.

She hasn't received any magic items in the past month but let it go due to her training with [Redacted] but thet doesn't mean she forgot.

But one things for certain this kingdoms going to burn when she's done with Yuusei.

Matter of fact, she will save him for last. She wants to see his despair when his whole empire comes falling down.

Rimuru sees a carriage filled with magic items which pissed her off greatly.

So it wasn't just this one time he was giving away her magic items?!

And she was only heard about this 2 days ago!!

Rimuru?? teleports in front of the carriage in which the driver tried to stop the carriage but Rimuru?? just stopped it with telekinesis and lifted it up in the air but took out the driver for questioning but not before setting the carriage down with her magic items.

Rimuru?? grabs the mans collar and lifted him up with ease and glared into his soul causing him to shake.

Rimuru??: I have questions for you and I expect you to answer.

The man in her grips nodded immediately and says....

Man: S-Sure a-anything y-you want.

She smiled but it did not comfort him in the slightest.

Not. One. Bit.

Rimuru??: Where were you going with these magic items? Answer truthfully and you might live to see another day.


He didn't even do anything to this girl?

She has some nerve to say thi-

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