Shinto Tournament PT.13/Wake Up Call

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Where am I.... Can't see a damn thing. He remembers fighting somebody, making a deal with Lucifer, gaining incredible power but losing himself once again the process.

It's was like power was a drug to me...

I can't see anything, can't even see three feet in front of me, where is every-


Huh? What was-


Dad!! Dad!! Get up!!

Dad!! please!! wake up!!

Wait that was....!

Mom! Mittelt! Morgiana! Damn it I gotta get outta here-

Before you do that-I suppose it's time for us to properly meet...

Looking everywhere until he finally saw Stared into the darkness and the darkness stared back at him.

Izou: Who are you?

The entity looked identical to him with the exception of having red eyes instead of white, staring at each other, one was smiling with bloodthirst in his eyes while the other was confused about all this.

Lucifer; That's quite simple to explain host, I am you. And you are me. We are one person now.

The red eyes flared and the bloodthirsty smile seemingly gotten bigger after saying that.


From the outside world though it was a completely different story. Serafall was just staring out the window in deep thought.

She hasn't really moved only sitting there in silence looking at the moon, remembering when she saw her son bloodied with holes in his body, something she caused herself.

She had to stop him, if she didn't he might've ruined everything he was striving for he could hurt his daughters or made their lives worse accidentally but the image of her bleeding out and her having to heal him herself while the blood was seeping though his clothes.

What if I was too late?


The black aura disappeared but the look in her eyes didn't, sensing her little sister coming through the door and hearing her footsteps get closer to her.

Serafall: Hey Sona... How are you?

Sona: I should ask you that, I felt your power spike and the aura around it was...disturbing to say the least.

Serafall turned to look at her while her sister took a seat in front of her.

Serafall: Disturbing? I'm not sure what-

Sona: Don't do that. I hate it when you do that.

She was right to believe that her sister felt responsible for what happened yesterday but...

Sona: Sera, No matter how many times you tell yourself that this whole thing was your fault I can say that no one is going to pin the blame on you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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