Zekram couldn't believe what he was seeing Infront of him. It was just nonsensical.
Centuries have passed since he saw the corpse of this monster infront of him.
Zekram: (It's an illusion! That's must be it!)
And with that conclusion he came up with he tried to dispel the illusion....
So why....? Why was she still here?
(Erase! Erase! Erase! Erase! Erase! Erase!)
His magic was pushed to the limits but in the end there was no change at all.
She was still right infront of him smiling like an innocent girl who has done nothing wrong.
Rimuru(Leviathan): Just how long are you going to deny it? But keep doing it, it makes me happy to know how much you miss me.
Miss her?! More like never wanted to see her face again!
Zekram: Just how... are you even alive?!
She smiled and risen up from her(re:"his") throne and walked toward him.
Her footsteps filled him with dread as he knew she was right infront of him and then she stopped while he was too scared to look at her.
Rimuru(Leviathan): Ara? My loyal servant is too scared to even look at me? I'm hurt.
Zekram: Just what do you want....?
Not saying a single word which felt like an eternity for him she finally answers,
Rimuru(Leviathan): What do I want...well there is one thing I want... and it has nothing to do with you.
She looked outside of the window and commented on how her home wasn't how it was back then.
Rimuru(Leviathan): You know this place used to be feared when me and my brothers were ruling and now with you being a failure of a king and those so called Satans who have the nerve to take our names and act so... soft.
It sickened her, them listening to the council of all things, were they not strongest devils in the underworld at that time?
Rimuru(Leviathan): If they listen to you of all people, maybe they are not as competent as I thought they were, but luckily My darling likes to torment you so it's not so bad, no if anything it's even better than.
Wait a second.... her darling?! Just who the hell would date this psychopathic bitch?!
He would've continued if not for her laughing which sent alarms off in his head.
Did she hear his thoughts? To confirm these suspicions he bravely looked up to see her expression,
She was still.... Smiling.
(Why does she keep fucking smiling?! Does she find tormenting me that amusing?!)
Why couldn't she just die and be a bad memory?!

Izou:The Kin Slayer
AbenteuerIzou, formerly known as Izou Sitri but after a certain incident in the world earned his moniker as "The Kin Slayer" and has been ostracized by the whole Devil faction and half of the world in general... How will he handle it? Read and find out. VOL...