Shinto Tournament Pt.7/You're supposed to be dead!

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Izou: What to do next? Maybe enjoy the nice weather outside will do me some good.

And so without waking his kids up he left and enjoyed the fresh air.

He was fighting those urges to kill someone or something for a whole month and it wasn't easy.

Hmm... maybe he does have issues, but who's fault is that he wondered.

Eh, no concern for him, at least he doesn't use his fucked up mind against innocents so that's a plus right?

Izou: Eh fuck it, I'm going to the beach.

A few minutes later

Good thing there wasn't a lot of people out this early in the morning otherwise he wouldn't even bother coming here.

Does that make him introvert of some sort, maybe or maybe not.

This place is perfect for meditation, peaceful atmosphere, nobody or nothing trying to kill him.

It almost seemed to good to be true.

And so sitting down and closing his eyes he begun to meditate.

With Zekram

After being embarrassed by the last Sparda he took a step back to evaluate what happened and what went wrong.

He thought that he could manipulate the satans to do his bidding but it seems they were doing things their way and it was working, and while he may be the great king of the underworld he knew he was outmatched when it comes to power between him and Izou or any of the Satans

But even Izou can be pushed to his limit and If that happens, then what?

He made deals with this Lucius person and now has magitek for himself as well, although he felt as if these magitek soldiers needed a more destructive touch to them and so he powered them using PoD.

Zekram: (I can not do the same thing I did last time, I must buy my time and send him to the dark continent, just as planned.)

He went to his room and...

With Serafall

He could be the reincarnation of Lucifer...

After hearing those words she was worried sick about him but since she's a leader she had to put her job first before anything else.

"And look where that got you. Was it your job to put our son in the coldest hell ever?"

Izou:The Kin SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now