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Rey paced around the room not knowing when she was going to calm down. She knew she was projecting different emotions through her bond with Ben though, she did not know which were hers and which were his, nor did she care. They both felt the same regarding the situation, someone had been talking to their kids, and in a way, manipulating them against each other. Out of anger and frustration, tears started to form in her eyes. Rey stopped pacing for a second, exhaled, and continued her pacing.

Meanwhile, Ben was sitting on the edge of their bed, trying desperately not to let his rage sipped more into their bond. He had closed his eyes and had been focusing on calming down. Ben could hear his wife's steps as her feet dragged back and forth in their room. It was no use. He stood from the bed, ignited his lightsaber, and proceeded to destroy their coffee table. Rey did nothing to stop him, letting him vent out his rage while she vented out her fears through sobs.

As Ben kept swinging his saber on the coffee table, which was now dusty pile of nothing, Rey stopped her pacing, looked at her husband, and exhaled once more, igniting her own saber. Ben glanced at his wife and swung his saber towards her direction. Rey blocked his move and moved a bit forward, swinging her own saber in the process.

They needed this. They needed to vent all their emotions out before it consumed them. The dyads did not care if it was because of their dark nature that made them spar their rage out, the fight they just had, or because of their nature in being protective parents. Someone out there had contacted their children, and they failed to protect them. They did not know if it was too late or what they had said to them.

Rey grunted as she swung her weapon, hitting/destroying an end table. Ben dodged her, slipping under her swing, and moved behind her. Rey turned to meet his red saber as she swung again, making Ben take a step backwards. Soon their weapons clashed, as they knew they would. The room was silent, and the only sound was that of their weapons. Ben eyes met Rey's tearful ones as they held the purple light coming from their lightsabers; the dyads did not move for some time.

Finally, it was Rey who deactivated her weapon and crumbled down to the floor. Ben deactivated his and met his wife down below. He sat down and pulled her shaking body into his own. Rey hid her face on the crook of her husband neck. Ben's breath trembled as he ran his fingers through Rey's hair. "Rey," Ben's voice rang in the silent room, "it's not too late. We can fix this."

Rey moved her head from his neck, to get a better look at her lovely husband. Through her glossy eyes, she could tell he meant it. Ben wiped her tears away and gently placed a kiss the corners her eyes. "We can fix this." He repeated. "Yes, they have my nature in them, but they also have yours." He placed his hand on her heart. "Our children have too much of your heart in them and everyday I'm thankful for it." He kissed her forehead. "I was not lying when I said you are the strongest person I know. Our children inherited your strong will and whatever or whoever this is that is manipulating them, I know they have the will to deter it."

Rey saw the images plaguing Ben's mind at the moment. Ben was thinking of one thing, Snoke. Rey saw how Snoke manipulated a young Ben, making Ben acknowledge the untapped power he had. Rey could hear Snoke, tell Ben how his uncle, Luke, was only using him for his power and how his uncle was afraid of the monster Ben was. Rey felt the confusion in Ben's mind not knowing why he had so much darkness in him. Not knowing who to trust. Did their children feel this way?

Ben gently pulled Rey's hand away from his cheek, with no intention of letting it go. He politely smiled down at her. "It wasn't that bad. I was too weak."

"No." Rey stated. "You were too strong, that was the problem." She pondered to herself while she rested her head on Ben's chest. "I thought we had told them everything about what had happened. About Luke, Darth Vader, Snoke, Kylo Ren," she looked up at him, "about everything. I did not think we had to tell them about Palpatine."

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