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"You big, big, big dummy." Rey embraced Ben while kissing him all over. "I hate you. You stupid, stupid, man." She wrapped her arms around the tall man and lowered his head down, planting a long kiss on his battered lips. "Oh, how much I hate you." Ben groaned in pain as Rey kissed him, though never once telling her to stop. Rey's tears began to soak Ben's face. "Big dummy."

Hux, who had his arm around Finn for support, cleared his throat, "I'm glad all of you are happy to see me as well."

Finn gently sat Hux at the Dejarik table. "We are but...there is no way I'm kissing you."

"You guys must be exhausted." Poe initiated as he moved towards Hux. "I'll help you patch up that blaster wound. Re – " The dyads had slipped away quietly, leaving Hux in the care of the two former Resistance soldiers.

The couple made their way to the only main quarters on The Falcon, no doubt Han's old quarters when the famous smuggler was the pilot. Rey helped Ben sit on the edge of the bed and began to take off his tattered shirt. Ben grunted when he lifted his arms up, earning a gasp from Rey. "It's fine." Ben bravely stated.

"Yo – you do not go into battle without me, ever again! Do you understand me?" Rey's eyes glistened as she placed a bacta patch on Ben's shoulder. "You have a family waiting for you at home at the end of the day. Your bachelor days have been over for years." Ben chuckled at Rey's lecture as she opened another patch. "Oh, you think it's funny having me worried for you all this time. Not knowing if you were..." she could not dare utter the words. Rey stopped the activity in her hands and began to quietly sob.

Ben embraced the shaking woman before him, inhaling her in. Rey's arms tightened around Ben's embrace, fearing he would disappear at any moment. Their bond had been deprived from them for so long that the feel of it was overwhelming. The bond was engulfed with their aching for each other, their fears, their loneliness, their worries, but most importantly, their love. "I'm sorry." Ben softly whispered. "I won't go into battles without a plan. I promise." Rey's hug on him tightened, making Ben wince in pain.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Rey backed away, only to have Ben grab at her arm before she could slip away. "I missed you."

Ben cupped her cheek with his palm and gazed into her hazel eyes. "I think I fell more in love with you the more I thought about you. I wondered what you were doing...how you were doing it...what you looked like while you were doing it." Ben chuckled as he leaned his head forward. "If you even thought about me." He whispered.

Rey leaned her own head forward, their lips brushing against each other. "You were my first thoughts in the morning and my lasts before bed." She said almost inaudible. "I have never liked being apart from you. Even back then when we first met."

"The times I practiced how to make you appear before me just so I can see you. I would say anything to get that cute angry reaction from you. How your lips would tremble in fear just by seeing me. I miss those times. I had a huge crush on you."

"I know you did...can you do me a favor?"

"Anything, sweetheart."

"Can you shut up and kiss me already?" Rey's impatient attitude made Ben want to tease her more though he was not sure if he could hold much longer himself. He closed the small gap between them as his pummeled lips touched her soft ones. Rey tried to slowly push Ben onto the bed although, stopped her movements entirely when he heard Ben grunt. "I'm sorry, love."

Ben winced as Rey lowered him onto the bed. "It's fine. I think I have a broken rib."

"We'll soon be in Chandrila and you'll get proper medical treatment. We have been moving from place to place in case we were being tracked. Han and Jade are anxious to see you." Rey noticed Ben's worried expression. "Mom and I mentioned you were on a mission on Ahch-To. They know there are no comms allowed on the planet, so I think we were able to convince them. Mom is letting them know you sustained minor...." She looked down on him and sighed, "well...we can always say you and Hux got into a scuffle like you always do." 

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