no way in hell

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relentless kicking, punching, you name it was just a normal Sunday to the tokyo manji gang. as young as they were, the teenagers could never stop having huge, reckless fights. especially this one, with moebius.

it had led to a point where pah, one of the founding members and an inspiring division captain, was imprisoned. that threw the structure of toman entirely.

even the president and vice president of the gang itself got into a fight due to that. takemichi, our crybaby hero, had just resolved the said fight between the two and now they sat in the sano residence.. but draken couldn't help but think this: "mikey, we are not tough enough to beat moebius. they have the upper hand in both power and number." draken rested his chin on his palm. "the debut fight, only, led the gang to shambles."

mikey's elbow rested on his knee and he stared with squinted eyes at him. "what are you trying to say?" mikey asked, not wanting to admit that what he predicted draken was leading up to might be true.

draken opened his mouth for a short second but closed it in contemplation. finally giving in, he said, "what I'm trying to say is that.. we need to call her." draken advised.

mikey widened his eyes but that ended very quickly, instead a death stare replaced it. takemichi, on the other hand, was left dumbfounded, glancing at draken's convincing eyes and mikey's who were instantly rejecting that motive. "her? who's her?" takemichi questioned in a quiet tone.

mikey sat up in fury and placed his arm on the surface between his thigh and hip. "here's your answer:" mikey slammed his hand on the table, "no way in hell."

draken rolled his eyes and straightened his back, staring at the other side of the room while running his tongue through his teeth. takemichi was still as perplexed as ever, "again, who's her?"

the childish president turned in his spot as a protest and draken sighed exasperatedly at that, "her, as in the youngest person to ever get a huge award for martial arts. her, as in the leader of the sohaya gang. and her, as in mikey's childhood friend." draken explained with a teasing look.

mikey's head snapped back to the person trying to tease him endlessly. "do NOT bring that up or so help me god you won't live to see who won." he said dramatically, all for that childhood friend's line. his finger pointed draken's nonchalant face threateningly which just meant it wasn't working.

draken discarded his finger, his face exasperate as well, "mikey, you are being really unreasonable about this. don't you want our gang to survive?" draken asked but then his eyes wandered away in thought. "..for this fight atleast?"

takemichi tilted his head as he witnessed the sullen hatred mikey had for this person whom he had not met. "what's so good about sohaya's leader? how will she help?" he asked in wonder.

"that is a very good point. thank you, takemitchy." mikey looked pointedly at draken. "see, do we even need that witch?"

draken held a hand to mikey's face. "y/n has 7 female members in her group, yet, she still managed to overpower 8 gangs with a great advantage on her." draken explained to takemichi for better understanding.

half of takemichi wanted to admit that is quite impressive but the other half wanted to get rid of the glare mikey was sending him. "wow." he blurted out and then widened his eyes. "that is.. wow."

"woah, now you're opposing me, takemitchy?" mikey left his hands up in surrender. "you think you know someone but.." he scoffed.

it was clear that yes, he hated sohaya's leader.  but it was also for his own benefit. that's what takemichi had predicted. "she lives right next to you." draken said in disbelief. "you're literally neighbors but you continue to shit-talk her."

"do not bring that up either." he responded sternly. "what's up with you? we could choose anyone but her. you're just insisting on it because you want me to stop hating her. well guess what? I changed. I'm not childish enough to care about something that happened 3 years ago."

draken narrowed his eyes at the sudden mindset change. "oh, so you don't mind if I, I don't know, go up to her and ask her myself?" he stood up and started to make his way to the window.

"ken-chin." mikey turned around slowly to match draken's pace. and it was taunting how slow his actions were, so the wait only agonized mikey. "ken-chin, you prick, no."

despite mikey's whines, draken opened the window and looked out of it. "now, all we need is to wait until we can spot her— ah." a smile grew on his face, "there she is."

mikey immediately stood up at his words. "you are lying." he said in disbelief and stumbled over thin air to prove if it was real or not. and it in fact was real— to his dismay. "no."

takemichi ran to the window to see who he hated so much and she looked like a harmless person. why he even hates her was definitely questioned at this point. "hey, y/n!" draken called.

takemichi watched as the girl tried to search for the voice that said her name. and her eyes landed on the window of mikey's room, shockingly. "oh, draken!" she waved to him excitedly but started to stop when she noticed the person angrily looking at her. "mikey."

her eyes were gleaming and it might enlighten whoever's staring back but mikey just clenched his jaw furiously. he walked away and sat down, his head falling to his hands. "kill me, kill me now."


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