heart eyes

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y/n sighed frustratedly. her homework was basically impossible. she flipped through the pages to see if she actually could understand anything but she couldn't. "what the hell is a hippopota— hypotenuse?!" y/n huffed.

what irritated her more was repeated knocking. where did it come from? she chose to ignore it as she kept on trying to do her homework but it continued and it made her angry.

she stomped her way over to her room's door and opened it. no one was there, but who would expect that? her parents weren't here, they were on a date. so if it's not from the door then where is it from?

she heard continuous knocking near her window so she walked over to that. she opened the curtains and window and tried to search for the knocking. "over here, y/n." a voice called so her head straight up strung to it.

mikey was leaning on the window so effortlessly. what is with that guy? "MIKEY MY ROOM'S ON THE SECOND FLOOR." y/n pointed at her room.

mikey nodded with a grin. "exactly. now help me up." he reached his arm out, hanging on to the window with one arm.

y/n shook her head to delete that thought and pulled him up slowly. after endless pulling, y/n finally pulled him up. she panted but he just walked away normally. "you sleep after eating but this you can do?" y/n gulped down her last breath and stood up.

mikey nodded his head as he walked over and sat next to her work table. y/n fluffed his hair and sat next to him. "you know, when i said you could come over i meant you should knock on my door." y/n grabbed her pencil and attempted to solve it again.

"i knocked for days. but your little pea brain didn't hear anything." mikey pushed y/n's head away with his finger. he laid his head on his forearm and just stared at her. he felt relieved as he adored her presence.

she put no effort into her looks today but still looked really pretty. y/n noticed him staring at her. "what is it mikey?" y/n asked him.

mikey still stared at her, basically with heart eyes. he reached his hand out and caressed y/n cheek with his thumb. "nothing." mikey admired her.

y/n tried to go on with her work, which again is impossible. "i can't finish this." y/n closed her book and sighed.

mikey sat up and opened her book up again. "when did math start having letters?" mikey questioned as he looked at the x's and y's.

"when you left school." y/n laughed under breath. he just look over the book in relaxation. and wasn't stressed at all.

he pointed at the book excitedly. "ooh! i know! just add these two hypotenuses but they have to be squared. and then you'll get the c of your equation." he explained so lightly.

y/n's jaw hung wide open in shock. "mikey are you secretly smart?!" y/n asked in shock.

"are you secretly rich?"

y/n pursed her lips and nodded slowly. "touché." y/n grabbed the book and tried to solve the equation.

mikey gazed at her notebook but she didn't mind. "oh right. how did that trouble with toman go?" y/n asked him.

on emma's birthday, mikey and baji were called over for some trouble with toman. it couldn't have been serious right? "valhalla's been shitting on us ever since what happened with the fight. they keep saying that it only ended because of  "personal things"." mikey sighed and laid on the ground.

y/n stopped doing her work and looked at the exhausted mikey. "didnt we create this gang to protect kazutora from the black dragons?" mikey sat up and rubbed his head. "i just.. i'm tired." he hung his head low.

y/n's face softened at the sudden outburst of feelings. she walked over on her knees to him, and hugged him tightly. his head laid on her shoulder so he hugged back, tighter. "it's okay to feel tired, mikey." y/n patted down his hair.

today, i finished writing the final chapter so i'm here to announce that the book is ending after 2 chapters. i am not ready to end this book. BUT i will. ANYWAYS I HOPE YOU ENJOYED

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