bonus chapter 1

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the snoring of his cell mate was awful and it sounded like a goat with a deviated septum. another day passed without moving an inch. one of the guards tried to pull him out of bed and he got punched. it was a lost cause. and it's been a year since she died.

mikey stared into oblivion, his eyes filled with numbness and a mix of pain. if anyone saw him they'd think that under the bunk bed above him was as interesting as ever. but he was deep in thought. actually, a memory.

that memory was when y/n dragged mikey out of their house. and it was because that week mikey was too busy with toman stuff that they barely talked.

that day they picked out flowers out of a field and y/n looked really pretty. which was why mikey took a picture of her. her smiling. beaming actually.

he remembered the picture so clearly. and it was why he was looking up. he could remember the picture when he did.

mikey reached his hand out and tried to get a hold of that so and so picture, that seemed like it was infront of him. but then he barely grabbed air as his hand balled into a fist and it fell down.

tears fell down his face as if it was an instinct. he tried to find anything to fixate his eyes on to forget that thought but couldn't. so he gave into that awful feeling, missing her. and it happened everyday.

he rolled his body away from the guards and faced the wall next to him. "i miss you." mikey whispered.


takemichi watched as the girl swung back and forth on the swings. until she stopped and turned around. "takemichi! you're here?" y/n asked in surprise.

takemichi stared at her deeply. was she that significant? why did that timeline fall apart when she specifically died? "uh— yeah." takemichi walked over to her and sat on the swing next to her.

y/n kept tapping the watch on her hand repeatedly. "mikey's late.. again. surprise surprise." y/n muttered to herself but it was clear enough for takemichi to hear. takemichi slightly laughed at her and looked down. now y/n was staring at him intently. "i probably never told you this, but i always knew you'd be a good addition to toman." y/n suddenly announced.

takemichi looked back at her and tilted his head at her. "really?" takemichi asked in confusion.

y/n nodded happily. "i trust you. you knew how to save draken and toman, you knew how to save baji, and mikey seems to like you." y/n explained while gripping on the swing handles.

if y/n trusts him, then she'll trust him when he tells her about her death right? "can you trust me with one more thing?" takemichi asked her as a favor, so y/n nodded her head as a response.

takemichi took a deep breath as he stood up. slowly walking infront of y/n. she stared at him while he tried to make sense of what he was going to say. "y/n," deep breath "on april 24th 2016, you... die." takemichi announced it to y/n.

he kept repeating, "she'll think i'm nuts", in his head frantically. like it was the only true thing in his head. y/n stayed the same, unfazed, not at all. "takemichi, you know many people pulled that lie too?" y/n tilted her head, questioning his so called 'announcement'.

takemichi immediately widened his eyes and waved his hands infront of his face as a no. "no no— i.. you have to trust me on this. or everything will fall apart. i can't.. go back." takemichi trembled in his words.

y/n looked at takemichi who was basically scared for whatever he was talking about. "i don't know. i trust you. a lot takemichi. but 2016? that's like 11 years from now." y/n stood up from the swings too.

she won't believe me. takemichi thought to himself. he sighed, mostly in exhaustion while y/n stared pitifully at him. he knew it wasn't going to be the same as when he told naoto but still, he wanted to depend on her. or someone other than naoto.

he walked alongside the pavement as he looked at his shadow following his footsteps. he felt almost useless. he cannot save y/n meaning that timeline will happen again and it would all get worse.

hina was alive in that timeline but she wasn't happy at all. she was sad. and so were most of the people there, so how can takemichi help out? "takemichi?" a voice called so takemichi turned to it with a blank stare. it was naoto, the person he can depend on. "are you alright?"


takemichi's eyes opened as quickly as possible and he started to cry. tears falling out of his eyes unexpectedly. "naoto.. i— i failed." takemichi told him.

he brought his hands to his eyes and covered them. he started to sob knowing he had failed. "i don't think you did takemichi. i'm not sure if y/n's dead." naoto shook his head in complete confusion.

well well. who knows naoto. who knows. honestly, i don't even know. i am contemplating both of the endings tbh. should you die or should you not?

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