falling apart

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What went so wrong?

Mikey found himself in deep thought. Just staring ahead in wonder. Wondering how they got to this state; where he had loathed her existence and he prayed to god she felt the same. It was wrong. Very differently than what they had, then, viewed each other.

He knew what went wrong and what the fight had led to. But he could not find himself in her shoes. No matter how much he tried to. Because how could someone, who was entirely devoted to Toman's upbringing, leave it without a mere thought?

It was impossible to his understanding and he hated it. So much. "Emma, you should go back to school." Mikey pointed in front of him lazily. "Grandpa's gonna find out about it. And I'm guessing he won't be happy." He said, avoiding y/n's direct gaze by looking down for almost all of the sentence.

Emma slumped her shoulders knowingly and started to pack her things up to leave, bidding y/n goodbye on her way off. "So.." Y/n glanced awkwardly at Mikey and looked around in hopes of breaking this awful tension.

"Can't you just leave Emma alone?" Mikey cut straight to the point with crossed arms so overbearing. "Your shitty attempt at trying to bring the past back is annoying me. All I asked for— actually, what draken asked for— is for you to punch a few guys and leave. We never asked you to play house, now, did we?"

She was done at this point. Completely done. Not only was she forced into this favor or that Emma was the one who asked to meet up in the first place, but being blamed and shit on had her at her wit's end. "Look, I don't know what I missed out on in our little.. kerfuffle 2 years ago but I do know it's no excuse for your bitchy acts." She spat. "From how you're behaving right now, I hope every member of toman leaves your sorry ass."

And just like that, she walked away from him. Leaving them back to square fucking one.



Another fight had gone successful. More importantly, the gang itself was successful. What they impulsively assembled on that one afternoon, was probably the most significant choice they've ever had to make in their life. The Tokyo Manji gang, now, finds new members every single day. And it has become rare for the original seven to meet up.

Well, it's true. They rarely meet up. But today, with sheer luck, 4 of them managed to meet. Baji, Draken, y/n, and Mikey. "And then I held his head to the floor and he begged for mercy." Mikey bragged, with the cockiest smile on his face.

Baji and Draken grinned, impressed with their accomplishing leader. He was intimidating to the others, one might say, and that's how they knew they chose the right leader. "Damn, Mikey. You have a lotta cool stories." Baji expressed, dangling his arm off of his knee.

Mikey shrugged his one shoulder and took a quick sip from the ginger ale in his hand. "I couldn't do it without my gang." He teasingly said to spite them. And he knew it was a success when Baji and Draken sent him annoyed looks. "Our gang. Our gang."

Draken punched Mikey's shoulder playfully, knowing he did it just to get on their nerves. "Ass." He laughed under his breath. "Tell us more. 'Heard you got into a fight with some of the members of the Black Dragons."

When he said that, y/n shifted in her seat and Baji looked over at her with curiosity. It seemed as if she was experiencing some discomfort from that subject. Actually, she was uncomfortable the whole meeting.

Both of her hands were hiding in between her two knees. And with her shoulders up so high, she looked so small, so vulnerable. Did something happen? "Well, a few of our members and y/n were with me. And, all of a sudden, a whole division started attacking me!"

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