looks happy

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"She's not gonna braid my hair."

"Stop being such a pain in the ass."

"Oh, so I'm a pain in the ass?"

"Just shut up, she looks happy."

"Ah, home, sweet home." Y/n sighed contentedly and instantly sat down on their living room couch. Mikey looked at her with a grimace, as if she had just walked into his beloved home after doing a dumpster dive. "I missed this place. Thankfully, it didn't change a bit."

Mikey turned to Draken, hoping for him to have the exact same thought. But, instead, Draken looked at her with a relaxed expression on his face. Opposing Mikey entirely. "This is your fault. All of it." He blamed Draken.

Keeping her out of his sight for even a second, however, ended terribly for him. Since Y/n was now wandering around his home, looking at all the framed pictures she's recognized or didn't recognize. Mikey sighed and followed after her, saying "against my will" whenever she noticed herself in one of the photos.

Due to the scene in front of him, Draken smiled slightly (more like his lips perked up for just a millisecond) and a nostalgic feeling bloomed in his chest. "Missed those little shits." He said it quietly under his breath, almost as a spoken thought.

A very loud gasp cut the brisk, serene moment short, and they turned to face the apparently shocked culprit. "Y/n l/n, in all her glory, walking through my own house?!" Emma shrieked and dashed over to y/n, embracing her as soon as they made contact. "What are you doing here?! Why didn't you tell me or even call for me?!"

"Well, your brother over here practically kneeled and begged, kissing my feet to help him with something." Y/n lied, a huge smile plastered on her face. It had been a very long time since she has last seen Emma, after all.

Mikey raised his brows, both elbows resting on the railing. "You are the most petty thing ever." He stated and walked over to his sister, grabbing her by her arm. "You're leaving. This is a professional meeting."

Emma yanked away from her brother's grasp, determined to stay with her two favorite people (excluding Mikey). "A business meeting with your oldest friend? Yeah, I don't think so." She said in the most obvious way possible.

"Who slapped you across the face and convinced you we were friends?" Mikey inquired, a look of visible disgust on his face. Then he pointed to Emma's room. "Look, Emma, just go to your room. Y/n has to do a very embarrassing thing and then she's gonna leave. Hopefully, far away from here."

Y/n made an insincere, touched expression. "Awh, the love you have for me is incomparable." She opened up her arms jokingly and, ofcourse, he walked away from her. Y/n rolled her eyes and followed where he was going. "Let's get this over with." She said, taking a deep breath.

Emma laid her back against the wall, waiting to see where this would lead. She watched as y/n sat on the couch and Mikey sat with his back to her, in the space between her two legs. "For the last time, Emma, go to your room." Mikey said, without having to look back, so Emma sighed and left.

It was almost as if they'd been doing this for years because Mikey knew exactly what to do and didn't find anything odd. Even as y/n placed one piece of hair infront of the other, he had no problem with it and just stared blankly at the white wall in front of them. "Out of all orders, why did you choose to want to braid Mikey's hair?" Draken asked, intrigued.

As she pushed Mikey's face to the side whenever he'd turn to face Draken, she continued to braid his hair. "Selfish reasons." Y/n replied simply.

"Definitely not your first time." Mikey grumbled so Y/n aggressively but nonchalantly pulled on his hair. He winced and placed his hand on the spot where it hurt. "You know, if Takemichi would just shut his damn mouth for once, I wouldn't have to be in this situation."

Y/n raised one finger up while the hairband she should have been using hung from her wrist. "Two questions. How'd you end up feuding with Moebius? And Takemichi is the scrawny blonde that ran away, right?" She asked and then finally tied the hair she braided with a hairband. "And.. done."

Draken breathed deeply before answering her agonizing question. "They killed the family of one of Pah's friends and raped his girlfriend." Draken explained before taking a moment of silence for whoever was harmed, leaving y/n's jaw agape. "And yes, Takemichi's the scrawny blonde."

Y/n put her hand to her face to process the information on her own. "Is that why Pah's in jail? Is it because he murdered them? Please tell me he did. Because.. if he did, I always knew Pah was my favorite." She blurted out.

Mikey sat up and removed that braid that y/n worked so hard on, replacing it with his iconic half up-half down. "No, he stabbed the prick, but he's still alive." He answered and stood up. "Pah surrendered to the police. He'll be in jail for no less than a year."

Even if Takemichi had supposedly fixed things between them, a feeling of resentment bubbled up between the two. "That is awful." Y/n placed both of her hands on her hips and huffed, "I hope you two don't blame yourself for what had happened. Pah definitely made the decision to do what he did. Both the stabbing and the going to jail."

Mikey scratched the back of his head in frustration. "Yeah, but I—" He paused mid sentence and just stared at y/n with thought. Is he really going to rant to a person he despises? Hell no. "Y'know.. the clock is ticking." He pointed to the clock and imitated the tick-tock of the clock while shaking his head from side to side.

Y/n deadpanned him, and threw her head back as she stood from the unbearably comfortable couch. "And I thought I was actually tolerating your existence."


Takemichi's eyes fluttered open, alerting him of his current surroundings. The hazy image of the roof above him and the uncomfortable bed beneath him became visible. He sat up with a groan and scratched his head, remembering why he had gone to the future in the first place.

"Takemichi?" Naoto called and Takemichi turned to him groggily, seeing him hold his usual mug of coffee. He held a puzzled look on his face as if wondering why he had chosen to wake up now of all times. "Did something happen with Moebius? Or, is there a problem with the timeline?"

Naoto sat beside Takemichi in a chair so he turned his body to face him. "Uhm— There was a fight with Moebius. A division captain in Toman stabbed the leader and gave himself up to the cops. So Draken and Mikey got in a fight because of that but I resolved it." He said lazily but Naoto still had an accomplished look on his face. "But there's something odd."

Takemichi continued, despite despite Naoto's fading expression of tranquility. "Someone just came, Sohaya's leader; she's providing additional protection in the fight with Moebius. Then, why is she not involved in our mission?" With Sohaya on the mission, Takemichi could simply assign one of them to guard Draken, as people he speaks so highly of. So really, why aren't they involved in his mission?

Naoto tilted his head in confusion. "You might not have heard me correctly, Takemichi." He assumed as he stood up from his chair. "Manjiro Sano went rogue over two deaths." He said, raising two fingers.

Due to his ignorance, Takemichi rolled his eyes. "Look, I know it's draken's death and you are just being arrogant—" He paused. Two deaths? That cannot be. Draken was only one death. Did he die twice or something? "Did you say 2 deaths?"

Naoto nodded and walked over to the board, oblivious to the insult. He pointed to a headline. "Draken's death on August 3rd." Naoto reminded and then pointed to a blood-filled picture, which was unmistakably a crime scene. "And the death of y/n l/n on April 24. Also referred to as, Manjiro Sano's wife."

"Wife?!" Takemichi yelled in surprise, his eyes wide and his jaw as well. "No, no, no, no— That can't be true. That is not even plausible enough to be true. He hates her!"

y'all i want to continue talking about the whole "you're mikey's future wife" BUT I AM TOO LAZY RN SO YOU'LL GET THIS FOR THE TIME BEING (update: i actually did finish it in a chapter it's called 'be sane')

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