it's you

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mikey swung his feat back and forth as he sat on a building's rooftop. he could basically see the whole city from here. draken sat next to him in silence. "look it's y/n's bike." mikey pointed at a place.

mikey looked down to see if y/n was anywhere near it but she wasn't. "hey doesnt this look like.." draken squinted his eyes a bit. as he looked at the place. kazutora's.. he thought to himself.

but immediately denied it. after shinichiro's death, y/n couldn't bring herself to say his name anymore. mostly because she trusted him a lot. "never mind." draken looked away.

"hey, do you think y/n will leave again?" mikey asked draken.

draken glanced back at him, who was already looking down but this time it was in thought. "why do you ask that?" draken now looked up at the sky.

"no reason. i just want to know." mikey shook his head.

draken laughed at his behavior. "if you think that then you're just a plain idiot, mikey." draken pushed mikey's head away.

"don't push my head."

mikey banged on y/n's door even more. she wont budge. "let me in!" mikey banged on it even more.

the person on the other side of the door was as stubborn as ever. "no, asshat. you avoided me for 6 days!" y/n crossed her arms. but then the knocking stopped.

she listened in the other end of the door. since he might have left. "fine. i'm sorry." mikey apologized.

y/n's mouth hung open. she gave in and slowly opened the door. trying to see if he's actually being sincere and he was. which made it even more shocking. "do my ears deceive me? or did mikey sano apologize?" y/n asked with wonder.

mikey clicked the roof of his mouth as he let himself in. he grabbed an apple on his way across the house. "i apologized so let it go." mikey took a bite out of his apple.

he made his way over to the couch and laid on it. "yeah, sure. except for the fact that you don't have a reason for avoiding me." y/n brought it up.

"I DO SO." mikey defended.

y/n leaned on the couch to get a full look of his face: "oh really? then why did you avoid me?" y/n asked him while crossing her arms.

mikey rubbed his temple. "no reason." mikey avoided the question. y/n stared him down in disappointment. "you know how i hate that look. FINE. how do i put this into words?" mikey hit his head.

"here's a tip, use words." y/n sat on the edge of the couch.

mikey looked at her and just said it. "you know that girl i like?" mikey asked y/n so she just nodded her head. "well, not too long ago she left. and i was just afraid she'll leave again."

mikey felt disgusted with all the feelings that oozed out. "i get it. but why did you avoid me?" y/n asked him.

mikey widened his eyes, remembering she doesn't know. "because.. i was thinking about it and.. stuff." mikey lied. but she believed it.

y/n nodded her head slightly. "i have no say in this. but don't think about it too much. she's here, right? don't worry about what might happen when you could just make things happen." y/n advised him.

mikey looked at her, giving advice to him without knowing it was about herself. "besides, if things go wrong. i'll always be next door. and you can tell me anything." y/n relieved him.

mikey tilted his head. "anything?" mikey asked just to get reassured.


it was the spur of the moment that caused such a speedy thought. mikey grabbed y/n by her wrists to pull her down. unexpectedly, (not to mikey obviously) he clashed his lips onto hers. her whose face was heating up by the second.

somehow, adding up to y/n's surprise, mikey's lips were soft. she thought they were as hard as a stone.

mikey pulled away and grinned. while y/n just looked shocked and flushed. "it's you, dumbass." mikey let her go.

y/n was basically frozen from shock. mikey, on the other hand, was as relieved as ever. he stood up and walked away from the couch. he threw the apple away. "thanks for the apple, y/n."

mikey walked out of the house. but now, y/n was left dumbfounded.

it finally happened. i never wrote a "slow burn" so this was TOO LONG FOR ME.

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