can't handle

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forgive me for i have sinned. i wrote yet another long chapter.

mikey sat on the ground of the convenience store. next to him was y/n who kept looking around in thought.

mikey placed basically everything in his basket, while y/n picked whatever she wanted out carefully. finally, in what seemed like years, y/n and mikey went out on their first date. now, they were just getting food out of a convenience store to eat it on a cliff. (the 'soda pop' chapter's cliff)

mikey was amazed at the amount of food he can buy. "screw people saying dates are scary. this is amazing." mikey smiled as he picked up his basket.

y/n grabbed her basket too. "yeah mikey. treat the next girl right." she patted him on the head.

mikey glared at her. "next girl?" he followed her. so she chuckled back in return. the convenience store was basically empty. there were just two little kids picking out stuff too.

as y/n and mikey tried to make their way across the aisle. a guy startled them by bursting through the convenience store, with a gun in his hand.

mikey pushed y/n back as he tried to peek at him a bit. he had a ski mask over his face. god a robber?

y/n let go of the arm holding her back. "hey, dumbass. why are you robbing a store in the middle of the day?" y/n spoke out. mikey already knew it though. y/n wouldn't just stand still. so he went along with her too. the robber looked at them threateningly, but he wasn't fooling anyone. he was so nervous that sweat made its way to his cheap ski mask.

y/n suddenly remembered that there were still kids in the store. and was more worried about them than herself. "mikey, take care of him. i'll go handle the kids." y/n ordered, walking over to the kids. she knew that if she leaves mikey with kids, he'll teach them some messed up thing accidentally.

he nodded to her plan in agreement. he thought the robber was a pain in the ass. "dont start something you can't handle" mikey walked over to him, repeating 'tut' over and over again disappointedly. "you ruined my date, asshole." mikey grit his teeth but was still smiling, just to scare him off.

and then the beating started. the kids were still confused on how the blonde kid was fighting the older man. "okay, let's forget about the scary middle schooler fighting the dumb old man. just go get more stuff, i'll pay for it." y/n reassured them.

mikey was unsurprisingly beating the shit out of the guy. so y/n tried her best to push the kids away from the blood fest.

"that will be 2,000 yen." the cashier told y/n, looking at the guy who was beaten senseless. the cashier was really confused on how a guy like mikey can hit a guy with a gun.

y/n glared jokingly at the kids and shook her head. "didnt i tell you guys to get more stuff?" y/n handed him the money, while mikey walked over to y/n.

the kids admired her. they adored how she immediately stood up to the guy with no hesitation. even though y/n herself wasn't so sure of the idea. "hey lady, thank you!" the two kids hugged y/n immediately. and basically tackled her.

which made y/n step back a bit, but she still hugged them back. "no problem, guys." y/n patted their back.

mikey looked at the kids and rolled his eyes. he pushed the kids away. "move away kids. it's my turn." mikey hugged y/n.

y/n again patted his back, and looked at his surprisingly relaxed face. "mikey, just out of curiosity, is that blood on your face?" y/n asked him.

mikey pulled away, and wiped the blood off. "i guess it is." he shrugged it off.

y/n shook her head as she grabbed their bags. the two kids watched them, who were walking away so easily. "come on, let's go. i already paid." y/n left the convenience store, so mikey followed her.

the cashier joined the kids and watched them too. they left three people in confusion. "weren't they just held at gunpoint?" the cashier whispered to himself, confused.

"they're weird. but i like it." one of the kids said.

"jeez, y/n your head will fall off if you keep doing that." mikey told her. she felt tired each second, and wanted to sleep.

y/n kept dozing off. "was there melatonin in my candy?" y/n asked jokingly as she began to fall asleep. "i'm tired."

mikey looked at her with a side-eye. "dont steal my thing. i'm the one who sleeps after eating." mikey looked at her.

she got to the point where keeping her head still was impossible, so she laid it on mikey's shoulder. slowly falling asleep. "dumbass you're gonna hurt your neck." mikey told her with a muffled voice but she was already fast asleep.

he just stayed still as he watched her. he smiled a bit. he thought she looked so peaceful. Mikey did not want to move because she'll move away if he did. "the fight with valhalla is coming soon." mikey sighed.

he knew he wasn't just speaking to himself, y/n was half awake after all. "you don't want it to happen?" y/n asked him.

he just licked his popsicle. "i want to. but i dont." mikey expressed. "if i had the choice, i'd choose to just stay here."

y/n looked up at him, he looked kinda tired. "then stay here for as long as you want." y/n closed her eyes slowly, but opened them up for him.

"sleep, y/n." mikey told her, so y/n shut her eyes.

mikey had one thought in his mind he wanted to be said. "hey, y/n?" mikey called so she hummed as a response. "do you want to be my girlfriend?"
she jumped at the sudden question. that guy is bold

y/n had this urge where she wanted to tease him. so she gave into it. "depends. do you want me to be your girlfriend?" she tilted her head in a teasing manner.

mikey let out a slight laugh and looked her straight in the eyes. "you already know the answer to that." he leaned in towards her face and then stopped.

he was inches away from her face so y/n looked away in fluster. "again, sleep." mikey told her as he looked back at the view.

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