so familiar

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"baji left for valhalla?!" y/n shouted in shock.

mitsuya, mikey, draken, and y/n gathered around a parking lot. "yeah, that happened like a while ago." mitsuya crossed his arms at the old news.

"i missed out on a lot." y/n sighed. she looked up at the three with the hopeless faces. "so, the guy who decided we should form this gang.. left?"

mitsuya looked down at the ground. "this group really is falling apart." mitsuya stated with a low tone.

"what do you mean?" draken asked him.

mitsuya looked up at them. "i mean, y/n left. baji left. pah-chin's in jail. and kazutora left." mitsuya asserted. "it's just us 3 now."

mitsuya looked at both mikey and draken. "hey, now, y/n didn't join an opposing gang. she's still helping us." draken reminded mitsuya.

y/n leaned her back on the wall. "valhalla's an opposing gang now?" y/n asked them in confusion.

they all nodded like it was obvious. "valhalla still sounds so familiar to me." y/n scratched her head.

valhalla.. y/n thought trying to remember why the word was so crucial to her. until it hit her. "oh damn." y/n widened her eyes as she remembered.

"what is it?" mitsuya asked her, sitting on his bike.

y/n tried to collect her thoughts. "i was supposed to be the captain of valhalla!" y/n pointed at herself.

the guys stayed silent for a while "WHAT?"

(few weeks ago)

who is that? y/n stared at the shadow she saw behind her. there were two figures, one tall and one looked pissed or angry. she especially stared at the tall one. she noticed him putting his hand over his eye and she immediately knew. "what do you want, hanma?" y/n looked behind her.

that "pissed" figure stood with his arched eyebrows angrily. "it was about time you looked back." hanma put out his cigarette.

"take the hint. i don't want to see you." y/n sighed. "now, what do you want?"

y/n now stared at the pissed off figure. why did she have such a bad feeling about him? "that's kisaki tetta, and the leader of valhalla." hanma told her with an annoying grin.

"valhalla?" y/n questioned. if he's so important how come she has never heard of him.

kisaki nodded. "yeah it's gonna be the most vicious gang in tokyo." kisaki expressed.

he motioned at hanma to continue. in some way, y/n tried to analyze kisaki. it seemed like she wasn't even worth his time. something y/n hated as a trait. "we're looking for a new captain. and you seem good enough for that title." he leaned in, getting close to her.

y/n looked at kisaki and back at hanma. kisaki was confident that she'll agree, which made her hate him even more. "no." y/n answered, walking away.

"no?" kisaki, himself, was confused.

y/n looked back at them for the last time. "i don't want to team up with pieces of shit."

the 3 boys stood shocked at y/n's story. "you met the leader of valhalla?" mikey asked in shock.

y/n nodded. "but, i don't remember his name." y/n admitted to them.

mitsuya thought over the situation. "maybe they wanted you to join because hanma is the acting leader and you smooched him up." mitsuya assumed.

y/n shrugged but remembered that draken doesn't know about any of this. "y/n did what?" draken crossed his arms. they all stayed silent and looked away.

draken sighed in disappointment. "if she even did that, which is stupid by the way, that is not the reason." draken shook his head.

"what do you mean?" y/n asked, confused.

"i mean, the leader of valhalla never shows up. so why would he come for someone hanma chose? he doesn't care for his subordinates." draken reminded them like it was obvious.

y/n tried to remember what happened that day. "it's true. he didn't care about me, or hanma." y/n told them. tetta, was it?

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