the end

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"kisaki will finally back down."


cops cocked their gun at mikey, even though he was just sitting in the room with them. they all pointed it at him, but he had no care in his face. it was emotionless, even more than usual. "manjiro sano." a guy walked to him with the gun facing him. "why did you, toman's commander, turn yourself in?"

mikey just looked down, he didn't even respond. a tear dropped on the ground but he still sat in his place. "answer me." he neared the gun to his face.

mikey threw his head down. "just kill me already."

4 hours ago

mikey kept looking backwards every single second. "what the hell is going on with you?" y/n told him, staring straight in his eyes.

he's been feeling the guy following them for the past 2 hours. mikey squeezed y/n's hand in anger. "what the hell is that guy's deal? why is he following us?" mikey tried to not look back at the guy with the black hoodie. what angered him most is that he recognized the familiar gaze, and that could not be good. so he watched over y/n like a hawk.

"do you think he's our good friend kisaki?" y/n joked, not looking back.

mikey shook his head as a no. "why was that your first thought?" mikey asked her.

y/n swung his hand back and forth. "well your business partner"

"not my business partner"

"your business partner has had his eyes on me for the past decade. remember when he tried to ruin our wedding just out of spite?" y/n reminded him.

that day was a mess. a bomb threat was called (by kisaki) and the police were swarming the area. but they still managed to save the wedding. "yeah i remember it." mikey sighed. "who knows? maybe that guy's just one of kisaki's soldiers.."

mikey looked back in realization, looking at the same guy. kisaki's soldier. this cannot possibly be good. mikey immediately pulled y/n by her hand, running away. not discreetly at all. y/n immediately understood and followed his pace. so kisaki's soldier matched theirs.

if it really was kisaki's soldier then the only thing he craved was blood lust. so they rushed over to any place, all that mattered to mikey was that y/n was safe.

he led y/n to a parking lot as he hurried while walking through it. but something stopped him. y/n stopped him with his hand. "come on, y/n." mikey tugged at her hand.

y/n sighed with gloomy eyes. "nothing's gonna happen if we run away, mikey." y/n sighed sadly. "something is going to happen to one of us. something bad. i'm sure of it. my gut feeling is never wrong."

mikey squinted his eyes and turned back to her. she did predict something bad would happen in the valhalla fight, without any clues. maybe she is right. but that's bad, isn't it? "but y/n nothing is.." mikey barely let out. "what if something does happen?"

y/n tried to force on a smile. "it doesn't matter.. we're everlasting, right?" y/n asked him. everlasting. a word thrown around when the two were mentioned. it resembled their never-ending relationship.

and that's when he felt it, a gut feeling. and it wasn't wrong. "yes.. everlasting." mikey lied, and she knew too. that overwhelming feeling clawed at both of them and wasn't going to go anytime soon. something will happen and it's true.

y/n made her way towards mikey and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him. and he hugged her back. "if anything happens to you.. i wouldn't know how to live with myself." y/n gripped on his shirt.

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