Chapter 13: Xiao Zhan stands up for himself

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Here is the new chapter with over 7000 words and lots of happenings. ^^

Enjoy <3 <3

Xiao Zhan's POV

"How about we sit down and talk?" He asked everyone. Soon the elderly couple, Xuan Lu and Yibo sat on the couch while I took a seat in the armchair. FanXing was a little confused about where to sit before he decided that the spot in front of me was a good place.

"Lu Lu, you know that in a few weeks our yearly family meeting will be held right?" The elderly woman asked her daughter who sighed immediately.

"Not again, Mom. You know I don't like these meetings. I didn't go for 7 years and I will not start this year." Xuan Lu answered.

"But you have to go. Together with Yibo and FanXing."

"Mom, I am not going-"

"Lu Lu! You are part of this family. You loved these meetings in the past. I don't know why you lost interest in them but it's time to stop behaving like this. Family is important."

"I am not saying the opposite, mom. I don't have much in common with the others. My family is sitting here in the living room. And right now I want to take care of FanXing. He was kidnapped not long ago and saw things he shouldn't have. FanXing is more important than the others."

"I hope he is seeing a psychologist?" Xuan Lu's father asked but Xuan Lu shook her head.

"Not anymore. He saw one in the first two weeks but he didn't see any problem after talking with FanXing. Of course, we are still in talks with him and tell him about FanXing's behavior but there is no problem. Since he knew that Xiao Zhan would move in with us for a while he is even happier." Xuan Lu answered and then winked at me. "He might as well move in with us for an even longer period."

I smiled but I already knew that this was not going to happen. Once Meng Yao was caught I will move out immediately. I am not sure where to but I will think about it when the time comes.

"I would love that. I think that would be a good idea. Xiao Zhan is always welcomed here and can stay as long as he wants." Yibo said and looked at me. I ignored him and looked down to FanXing who was cuddling my healthy leg.

The elderly woman smiled at her grandchild before turning back to her daughter. "So the family meeting...?"

"Mom! Why do you want us to go there so badly?" Now Xuan Lu was a little annoyed. I never saw her like this and thought it didn't suit her.

"Darling, drop it. I told you she will not take part in it and I also told you that I think that is a good idea. Don't force her." Xuan Lu's father reprimanded his wife who pouted.

"Why is that a good idea? She always had a good relationship with them, especially with her cousin. He even asked for you, Lu Lu."

"Enough!" Her husband said strictly and she pouted even more.

"Fine..." She mumbled and I saw Xuan Lu sighing in relief. "But I really wanted to show off."

"Show off?" Xuan Lu asked confused.

"Yes. I wanted to show my sister just how lucky I was that my daughter married a good-looking, wonderful and successful husband. You two are a perfect match. You both earn good money and you have a handsome little son who comes after his father. I bet he is going to be a prosecutor in the future as well. I just wish he had a little more inherited from you, Lu Lu. Not just the nose and the birthmark on his neck." FanXing's grandma said and turned to FanXing. He listened to the conversation halfheartedly as he was too busy climbing onto my lap while making sure to not touch my abused leg.

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