Chapter 7: More Information

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As promised here is the new chapter. It's even slightly longer than the previous ones ^^

HaoXuan's POV

While I was waiting for B. to finish his job, I sat in an empty meeting room next to Maya's bedroom and thought about my new mission. All I had to do is bring back the boss's lover. But it seemed it would not be very easy. The police are everywhere. And the location of the place Xiao Zhan is living is also unknown. I have faith I will find out where he lives soon enough but I am 100 % sure getting my hands on him will be not as easy as it may sound.

I sighed and looked at my watch while waiting. It's been one hour since I left B. with Maya. I had to chuckle remembering the shocked face of that girl when I crushed her hopes.

1 hour ago, I stopped in front of Maya's bedroom and waited for B. to catch up. He looked excited and I shook my head in amusement before opening the door.

Maya still laid naked in the bed where I left her before going up to meet Meng Yao. When she looked up and saw me her eyes brightened up. It was obvious that she fell hard for me and I was amazed as always how easy it was making the women falling for me.

Maya sat up. She was probably still in the mood to continue where we stopped before.

"Sorry for the interruption earlier but I was needed elsewhere. I have good news, Maya." I said and stepped aside to let B. in. He came in and checked Maya out. The girl was nervous and quickly covered herself with the blanket.

"Not bad. She looks even better in person." B. said. Since we brought Lee Maya here weeks ago, B. only saw her on-screen which made him a huge pervert in my eyes. His job was to make sure everything went as it should. He takes care of the security and gets us all the information we want by hacking. He was also a scientist who develops useful things such as drugs. Anyway, as in every room was a camera he could see what happened everywhere in this building. That includes the sex which was the reason I called him a pervert as he loved to watch.

"I bet," I answered and turned to Maya when she called me.

"W-what is going on? Who is... he?" She asked carefully.

"You will get to know him in a few minutes. If you do your job right you will soon be able to get sold and leave here." I told her and she widened her eyes in shock.

"S-sold!? What do you m-mean!?"

"Did you forget already? I am pretty sure when we met for the first time I told you the reason why you are here. Sex trafficking, remember?" I said and saw her getting pale.

"Whoa, you told her the truth right at the beginning?" B. laughed.

"If I want to gain their trust and love, I have to be honest, idiot. Anyway, B. is here to make sure I did my job right and trained you properly. Have fun."

"Wait! Wait... why... I thought we..... I thought I.... I...." She stuttered and paled with every word.

'Here we go again....' I thought. "Let me guess. You thought you were different than the others. You thought we would be together, right?" I asked bored and she teared up.

"You love me, don't you? We... I mean... I told you about my feelings. You never rejected me. You love me....?" The last part was an insecure question and before I could say anything B. laughed.

"Listen, girl. He only loved you with his body." B. said and I glared at him before turning back to Maya.

"I promised you to not kill you and I will keep this promise. Now stop crying and be a good girl like you have always been." I said and turned around to leave. "I wait for you next door, B." I left them behind and closed the door behind me.

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