~ Information ~

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The Following contains Story/Manga Spoilers.

                                        * ~Tanjiro~*

~ Blood Demon Arts:

Pyrokinesis: This ability allows Tanjiro to manipulate special demonic flames created from his blood that are red - ish in color, dealing significant damage to demons but completely harmless for humans, instead of dealing damage on them it does the opposite and heals them. It can heal things like, poison, cuts, broken bones, and fatal injuries. 

Glitch: This ability is like teleportation, but it also allows Tanjiro to faze through objects. Tanjiro is also able to allow other people to faze through objects if he chooses to let them.   

Vines: Tanjiro could Grab and or poison anything with these vines, he could use any poison he desires but it tires him out a lot. Because of this ability it makes him immune any poison, instead, if he get's hit by the poison he will be able to absorb it and produce it to use it with his vines.

Copy: This allows Tanjiro to copy another demon's blood demon art for a little bit. If he copy's the blood demon art of, lets say Muzan and the blood demon art is to strong for him, he will only be able to use 50 - 70% of it's power. (Should I include this blood demon art?)  

~ Side abilities:

Size Manipulation: Tanjiro can be any size he wants, he could even be the size of atoms and molecules or he could be as big as an elephant or whale if he wanted to.

Demon Slayer Mark: As you all know Tanjiro has the same mark as his mother Yoriichi. This mark is just like Yoriichi's. It gives him the ability of, 'Transparent World domain' allowing Tanjiro to see the world as if looking through an X-ray where he can analyze breath, blood flow and the movement of muscles and joints. He also strengthens perception, making the world around him appear to move in slow-motion. This Mark also makes him stronger, and makes him unbelievably fast. 

Super Smell: Just like canon Tanjiro, Our Tanjiro can smell when demons are near, emotions, traps/objects, and human or animal scents ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ.  

Breathing Without Using A Sword: Tanjiro is Able to use all the other breathing without using a sword. He usually uses this ability to enhance himself. Like for example, he is running away. He will use thunder breathing to speed away.

~ Breathing Styles:

Sun Breathing: Since Tanjiro is Yoriichi's son he obviously knows Sun breathing. Tanjiro knows all the forms and enhanced the breathing to make it even stronger. Tanjiro even made another form of Sun breathing called 'Fourteenth Form: Sun Phoenix'. This form is when Tanjiro jumps into the air and focuses all his power into his sword and slashes that at his opponent. 

Literally Every Other Breathing: Since the original breath is Sun Breathing, Tanjiro is able to use all the other breathings perfectly.

~ Favorites, Hobbies, etc:

Favorites: Tanjiro loves to eat Kelp Riceballs, and the way his mother, Yoriichi, makes them is nothing compared to the kind of Riceballs Tanjiro eats now.

Tanjiro doesn't exactly have a favorite color.

Hobbies: Tanjiro always loved to help, hang out with friends for a while, and clean or organize.

~ Future Love interests: 

Rengoku: Tanjiro will be very close to Rengoku and even develop feelings for him in future Chapters. The main reason Tanjiro is very close to him is because the Rengoku Family was close friends to his mother. His mother used to teach the Rengoku clan Sun breathing, and the Rengoku clan eventually  made Flame breathing off of Sun breathing. The Rengoku clan was also the only ones that believed that Yoriichi was innocent and didn't mean to have a child with the demon king.

Giyuu: Whenever Tanjiro was very confused and scared, Giyuu was always knew how to calm down Tanjiro. Tanjiro also helps Giyuu out with his problems, depression, and anxiety. They eventually hang out more and Tanjiro also Develops feelings for Giyuu.

~ Relatives:

Nezuko: Although Tanjiro's mother died, and he lost all of his blood relatives that where human, Nezuko is related to Tanjiro because of Sun breathing and the demon slayer marks on their heads. Later in the chapters Tanjiro realizes that Nezuko is Related to Sumiyoshi another friend and Student of Yoriichi. Tanjiro later on, in a few chapters, explains how they are related, and decides to train Nezuko. 

Muichiro: As we all know ( *Cough* if you read the Manga *Cough*) Muichiro is related to Kokushibo, Yoriichi's brother, Uppermoon one, and Tanjiro's uncle, so he is Tanjiro's distant cousin (I think, tell me if I'm wrong).

~ Weaknesses:

Full Moon: Tanjiro keeps track of full moons because if a full moon comes out Tanjiro will not be able to control his demonic urges.  

Heat: As you know this Story has the Omega, Beta, and Alpha dynamics and Tanjiro is an Omega so, he will have heat. Maybe there will be smut in a future chapter, or just some explicit heat scenes, but don't worry, If I do include those scenes I have Holy water for you right here -> 


Precious Friends/ People: when it comes to Tanjiro's Friends and innocent people, he would always give himself up, but that is a very big weakness he has.


Yes I am making Tanjiro Op

Yes I am going to include Nezuko.

Yes I am making Muichiro and Tanjiro related.

Yes I ship Giyuu x Tanjiro and Rengoku x Tanjiro

You got any problem with that? 🔫😊

Also should I include the 'Copy' Blood Art to Tanjiro's blood demon arts?

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