Chapter Fourteen

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I woke up by the sound of my alarm clock. As I groan, I hear the thunder, and see light flashing from my window. This is a bad start on a Friday morning. Despite the bad weather, I finished all the speeches. All I need to do is just present them. The prof also emailed the new and "easier to memorize" script last night. That was fast. I remembered that I am going to meet Athena today. I hope this goes well.

I get out of bed, and walked to my closet. I picked out a shirt that says BROOKLYN on it with black, bold letters, and black skinny jeans to go with it. I then grabbed my towel, and headed to the bathroom.

I took off my clothes, and went into the shower. I turn the knob to the cold side. It took me forever to get the right temperature. Usually when I take showers I want warm water, but it's a school day today, so I needed something that can keep my eyes wide open.

As I stand there putting shampoo on my hair, Alfonso comes into mind. Why does he need to get into my head right now? This is such a bad time. It feels so uncomfortable. I shake my head and tried to focus on other things.

Pizza? What about pizza? That sounds good... too good to make me hungry.

Clothes? Nah.

Um... chocolate? Still makes me hungry for some reason.

Netflix? Yes, Netflix! Okay, so the show Friends is in there. What else? erm.. Dirty Dancing is in there too! Ooh! Grease! Mean Girls! Why don't I watch it later? Ugh. Later. What the heck.

When I finally finish I grabbed my towel and dried myself. I headed to my room and wore my clothes. I left my hair hang loose with tangles and ran down the stairs to eat breakfast.

On my way to the dining room, I hear voices. Two deep voices. Alfonso. What is he doing here early in the morning? I hide behind the wall and eavesdrops to their conversation.

"Yes, sir. There are no problems with Elaine. She is doing well in school. Did she tell you about the play?" Shit. Why does he need to be a blabber mouth?

"What play?" My dad asks with this tone that I know really well. I don't know why people don't notice this about him. This tone is the I-don't-really-care-about-it-but-keep-talking-I'm-just-trying-to-be-nice tone.

"It is Romeo and Juliet," there was a pause. Please, please don't tell him. "She is Juliet, sir." Great. Just great.

"Oh, really?" Okay, now he sounds really interested. I bet you my whole life he's going to want to watch the stupid play. "Well, when will the play be performed? I would gladly watch it." Told you. He wants to watch me because he wants me to get humiliated, I swear.

"To be honest sir, we are still actually rehearsing. The performance is not planned yet. It will probably take weeks." Duh.

"Why don't I go to the rehearsals?" NO.

"Um, I don't think that will be a good idea, sir," Oh my God, thank you so much. "I wouldn't want to spoil you on what will happen."

Just finished eating breakfast. Of course, my father did not speak to me. Typical. Alfonso and I were the only ones left, staring at the empty plates.

"So your father asked me how the tutoring was doing, and of course I told him that everything is going well." Alfonso said, looking at my eyes.

I raised my eyebrow. "What are you trying to tell me?"

"It's partly true and partly false." I nod. And then we are back with the silence. "I really don't understand you. One time you're all chatty, then look at that. Next thing I know you're being a bitch."

Rich Girl {❁LizQuen❁}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon