~Chapter 5~

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Throughout the night I got little to barely any sleep. I kept tossing and turning having reoccurring dreams of Peter, Will and Daniel. The trauma was still fresh in my mind. I couldn't count how many times I had cried throughout the night.

Hours later dawn arrived. I was still sore and was pretty sure my eyes were puffy.

"I should go ahead and prepare breakfast for Master James." I thought to myself.

I lifted my head from the pillow and slowly raised my body. I gently scooted to the edge of the bed and stood up. I wobbled a bit, but regained my balance. I soon made my way to the kitchen quietly.

I decided to make Master James eggs and buttered toast. I got out some eggs and butter from the refrigerator and took down a skillet. I got to work buttering the pan and turning the heat medium low.

Author Note:
Just a quick question then you can get back to the story. When you make scrambled eggs do you:
A.) Crack the egg/eggs in the pan and scramble them
B.)Crack the egg/eggs in a bowl and whisk them in there first then pour them in the pan
I know it's a silly question but I remember having a debate about this with friends 😭and wanted to see what my readers do🤗.
~Back to the story~

I scrambled 3 eggs in a small bowl and seasoned them with salt, pepper, paprika, and a small dash of onion powder and chili powder. "I hope he likes the taste of the eggs." I wished. After pouring the eggs into the now semi warm and hot pan, I put 2 slices of bread in the toaster. I went back and sprinkled a tad bit of cheese on top of the eggs and finally buttered the golden brown toast.
Once all done I made a simple cup of black coffee. I didn't know how he liked his,so I left it black, so he could add his own sugar and creamer.

 I didn't know how he liked his,so I left it black, so he could add his own sugar and creamer

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"I hope he likes it." I thought nervously. I used to get in trouble when I didn't make Peter's food to his liking. I had since then, payed attention to how spices and herbs could change the taste of certain foods and which ones brought out the most flavor when combined.

"Hey?! You down here?!"

"Master James is coming. I have to get into position." I thought frantically as I rushed and waited by the side of the kitchen island I sat the plate of food on. I bowed my head as I heard him turn the corner.

"I thought I smelled something cooking. Although it smells delicious and I'm happy you made breakfast for me, what are you doing out of bed? You need rest and time to heal." He pronounced.

"I...I thought you would've wanted me to prepare something for you before you left for work." I uttered out nervously.

He took a deep breath.

While he did, I took in his appearance. He wore a plain semi tight grey t-shirt and flannel pajama pants. They sagged a lil bit, but I took notice to his manhood that was slightly apparent. I looked away and bit my bottom lip as I tried to suppress my blushing face that was appearing.

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