~Chapter 37~

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🦋Author Note 🦋
Hello readers💙 Be sure to enjoy this chapterAnd please let me know if I made and grammar or spelling mistakes.

~Vincent's Point of View~

I sat close to Noah as we sat next to each other.

"Are you still feeling scared?"

"....Do you think he'll get rid of me now?"


"Master James. Do you think he'll get rid of me now?" He asked again.

"No. Why?"

"The way I acted. I shouldn't have been so loud. But I was scared and it happened so suddenly." He explained while tucking his legs to his chest.

I knew he was talking about the Tyson incident. It was sudden,but I couldn't be upset with how he reacted since I didn't know why he was afraid of dogs.

"Why were you so afraid of Ty...son." I asked hesitantly.

"Master Randy used to make Wolf jump on me and growl in my face. It would be so scary." He explained while crying. "He would growl and try to bite me. Yesterday he made him bite my sleeve and he tore my shirt. I was so scared. I....I thought he was going to bite my arm.... All dogs are mean...they only want to hurt you...they only want to sink their teeth into your skin when they know your weak." He sobbed.

I hugged him and tried my best to calm him. I felt bad for what happened to him. His old master sounded beyond cruel. Once he started to control his heaving breaths, I tried to explain how Tyson wasn't like that and how his old master was just a asshole. I had began to register that 'Wolf' was probably a dog's name that his old master named him. After a awhile he seemed to calm down a bit and once he did, I tried to convince him to meet Tyson again.

"I...I'm not ready to meet him yet." He admitted while wiping away his final tears.

I kept my gaze focused on Noah until I saw movement from my peripheral vision. It was James. I scooted back at bit from Noah since we were so close. I didn't want James to think we were doing anything other than talking.

"I would never let Tyson hurt you." James said aloud kindly.

Noah turned his head at the sound of James' voice.

"O...O..okay.." He sniffed out.

"I have good news for you Noah." James said while walking over to us. "I was able to find your ownership papers. They're being brought over right now for me to sign you as mines."

I smiled at the sound of James' news. He was actually going to keep Noah. We were all going to be together! So many happy thought and ideas popped into my head as I pictured out lives together. When I finally looked over at Noah, he looked shocked. I reached over and lightly grasped his hands in mines. He looked somewhat happy, but also nervous.

"Don't worry, Master James isn't like Master Randy. He's going to love us both." I said smiling and tightening my grip on him lightly.

Noah gave a small smile but looked down immediately afterwards. I could tell he was trying to hide the little worth of excitement and happiness he had.

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