~Chapter 28~

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Vincent Point of View

While walking to the car with James, I felt like a million dollars. I had got to see Ryan after not hearing from him for awhile. Plus on top of that, I had a run in with Oliver and I had the opportunity to show off in front of him.


I followed close behind James as we entered the loud and busy club. I glanced up to scan the room for Ryan. I had hoped he worked tonight so I could see him. Finally I noticed him. I glanced back to James and he gave me an approving nod to go head.

"Ryan!" I shouted excitedly while walking over to the bar. I seen him look around then at me happily.

"Vincent! Your back now?" He asked.

"Not to work, but I came with Master Kenwood."

"Oh la la, you came with Master Kenwood aye?" He said dramatically while wiggling his shoulders.

"Yeah, I accepted to be his submissive." I said blushing slightly.

"Oh my gosh! Yayyy." He said while jumping happily.

"I would've told you sooner but you went ghost mode on me." I said while crossing my arms and raising a brow.

"Sorry but-" Ryan started speaking but was interrupted by some drunk rude guy sitting at the end of the bar.

"HEY get your ass over here and give me a god damn drink will ya!" He shouted.

"Oh-um COMING SIR!" Ryan shouted.

I saw Ryan rush over and make a cocktail in front of the guy trembling. From the looks of the guy, he look pretty damn scary.

After Ryan finished making the cocktail he wanted, the guy reached over the counter and grabbed him by his leather chest band. He yanked Ryan closer to him as he begun giving him orders violently. I froze. This guy was being overly aggressive for no reason. It scared and caught me off guard when he grabbed a hold of Ryan so suddenly. I wanted to do something,but I couldn't move. Just then the guy started talking harshly through his grotesque teeth.

"The next time I approach this bar and have to wait any longer than a minute for my drink....." he paused as he leaned closer to Ryan and began speaking again in a more aggressive voice. "I will personally punish you, and I don't go easy." I could see Ryan trying to turn his head as he tried to avoid his face and breath. The guy definitely didn't look clean and it added to his scary appearance.

"Let go of him or else you'll be escorted and punished by me." An agitated voice chimed in.

I turned around quickly to see the voice came from Master Lewis. He looked calm and unfazed by what was happening. But on the other hand, his tone seemed agitated and disgusted.

The rude man scoffed. "I can do what I want with him. He's uncollared and certainly doesn't belong to you." He grunted.

I could see Ryan still trembling. The man still had a strong grip on his outfit band. I began to worry that this guy would hurt Ryan, but I didn't dare move. I knew better to not get in between two doms.

"He may not be collared by me but he certainly is a worker of mine at this establishment. So now, release him or suffer the consequences."

Belonging To Master Kenwood (MxM story) {BDSM}Where stories live. Discover now