~Chapter 30~

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While walking into the cafe I took a deep breath. It was refreshing to be back in my element. I immediately approached Mrs. Collins and gave her a hug. She instantly smiled and greeted me warmly. I also saw Mr. Collins give me a nod and smile from behind the counter. Although I had been gone for awhile I knew exactly what to do.

~Time Skip~

I had been at work for about 5 hours now and everything seemed to be going quite well. All until a peculiar looking boy walked in. He distracted me from my duties. He was bruised up and looked as if he didn't fit in this setting. I also noticed he had a collar on. It actually looked at if it was cutting into his skin. Around the edges of the collar I could see harsh red indention marks. I also noticed freshly new cuts on his wrist as well. He looked dreadful. I started to feel bad and wanted to help him.

"Could I get one of those muffins please." He asked quietly. He had his head down so I couldn't see his entire face.

"Umm, oh sure. That'll be 1.59." I said gently to him.

He pulled out a crumpled up5  and handed it to me.

I took it and gave him his change. Afterwards, I told him nicely he could sit in a seat and I would bring him a coffee on the house. I felt that bringing him a free drink, would bring a smile on his face. I knew he probably went through something awful. Seeing him reminded me of how I was at one point in life. But it was the kind generosity of Mrs. and Mr.Collins that made my day and help turn my life around. I figured me doing this kind act would help him. He clearly looked as if he wasn't having a good day.

I spent a few minutes preparing his drink before asking to take a 15 minute break.

I timidly walked towards the boy and offered him his drink and muffin.

He was a bit startled when I arrived with his order.

"Umm here you go." I said nicely while placing the dishes down.

He didn't move.

I slid into the seat in front of him and introduced myself.

"I'mmmm Vincent." I said nicely while tilting my head and trying to get him to look up at me.

He glanced up to me and I finally got a chance to see his face. He had different color eyes that looked beautiful, and handsome features, but I could see his face was stained from tears though.

"I'm Noah." He whispered while beginning to pick and eat little bits from the muffin.

"I love your eyes." I complimented. I could see him shrug a bit. "Is the muffin to your liking?" I asked.

He shrugged again. I knew I was probably making him feel uncomfortable and decided it would've been best if I left him alone.

"Well enjoy your muffin and coffee. If you need anything, just let me know." I said with a slight smile while waving.

Not long after he finished his muffin, he left swiftly. He left quietly while slightly waving towards me. For some reason I was secretly hoping he would drop back in soon.

~Time Skip~

As I finished the last of my cleaning duties I waited by the front door. I knew Sir Birmingham would be here soon to pick me up. But to my surprise I saw James approach the café. He greeted me with a kiss on the forehead and walked me to his car.

Once inside I instantly started smiling like an idiot. It was a nice surprise to see James picking me up.

"You happy to see me?" He asked with a smirk on his face while getting in on the driver side.

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