Chapter 48

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~James' Point of View~

I worked diligently while Noah laid asleep nestled into my chest. I adored this bonding time we had, even though he was sleeping. He lightly snored as I read over emails and updates from my assistant. It wasn't until I noticed how the room was darker that I seen it had gotten late. I checked the time on my screen and it now read 11:27pm it was getting close to the event time at the club now. We had it scheduled for 12:30am. I made my way to "x" out of all my tabs before slowly shifting my body around.

I heaved as I heard someone began to knock on my door.

"Come in!" I announced while rubbing Noah's back.

"I was coming to confirm if you were still leaving out tonight for your event." Sir Birmingham said while stepping into the room. And not to far behind him, I saw Tyson.

As Tyson slowly approached me I began to speak. "Yes, I'm still leaving tonight. Is Vincent up?" I asked.

"No sir. He's still sleeping soundly in your bed at this present moment." He replied.

I took a deep breath as I thought about if I should still wake the boys to attend tonight's event.

"If I may, I would recommend letting them sleep. They been out all day and surely you wouldn't want to disturb them for something that won't take a lot of time." Sir Birmingham interjected.

I smirked and leaned back into my chair as I thought about how good of a mind reader Birmingham was. He always knew when to give me advice on situations.

"Very well." I said amused while leaning slightly forward and beginning to hoist myself from my chair. I made sure to move slowly to not wake Noah. I leaned him back a bit and maneuvered his legs so that when I stood, I had one hand around his back and one scooped up under his legs. He moved a bit in my arms as I walked to my bedroom. Once I laid him on the bed,he rolled over and graced one arm across Vincent's waist.

"Don't worry, I'll stay with them until you get back. They're in good hands." Sir Birmingham said respectively. And just as he finished speaking,Tyson walked over to his bed and laid upon it while watching Noah shift a bit. I knew between him and Sir Birmingham, they wouldn't let anything happen to Noah or Vincent.

"I know." I responded while walking to my bathroom. I made sure to freshen up by taking a quick shower and washing my hair. Once out, I got dressed in one of my favorite suits and made sure to lean over each of the boys and place kisses upon their foreheads. While heading downstairs I seen Sir Birmingham already standing by the door with my keys in his hand. He had prepared my car for me to leave. I made sure to thank him before exiting the house.

While driving to the club I got a call from Zayne and Dawson on my whereabouts for if I was still showing up. I made sure to ensure them both that I was on my way before hanging up.

Once inside the club, I was greeted by many Doms and subs that threw themselves at me. I made sure to greet our members respectfully and turn away from all the gawking subs.

"About time you got here." I heard Dawson joke while nudging me. Tagging behind him were Maddy and Harold all dressed in submissive outfits with yin-yang looking collars. I raised an eyebrow impressed. The collars were beautiful. In a way they looked the same, but they each had different details.

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