~Chapter 33~

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🦋Author Note🦋
Be sure to let me know if you like Noah at the end of this chapter💙

~Noah's Point of View~

I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't. The thought of being taken back to that brothel was torment. In the haste decision of being dragged off by Master Brian, I cried helplessly. I didn't want to go back. When he dragged me to his office in the back, he threw me against the wall. I knew what he was going to do as I watched him remove his belt. As I raised myself from the floor, I seen it. Right there in all it's glory. As if a prayer was being answered. As if some immaculate luck walked into my life, I seen it. My ownership papers already signed to release custody of me. Seeing that he signed the release line made me realize he was going no to send me back regardless.

I heaved in a deep breath and as I did, time seemed to slow down to me. I rushed and snatched my papers from his desk as he whipped and lashed his belt out at me. Without time to think I dodged it and made a full sprint out of his office and out of the store. I rushed past Vincent who I seen had tears welling in his eyes. As much as I wanted to stop to comfort him, I didn't. I kept running. As I got closer to the mall's exit, I weaved through numerous people that leaped to tackle me. As the electric doors open as I got close, I could feel freedom.

I ran down multiple street while bumping into people that walked by. I didn't stop until I ran down an alley way and ducked behind an empty building. I finally stopped to catch my breath, and as I did, I pulled out a shiny quarter from my pocket. Ever since I received this quarter from Vincent that day in the Café, my life wasn't pure hell. I knew it held no special value to anyone else,but to me, it was a blessing. I felt like ever since I received this from him, my life wasn't meaningless. Ever since I met him, my life started to get more bearable as long as I had this quarter with me.

I stayed in put in that alley way for hours thinking about Vincent. It was because of him, that I was free now. I thought back to the day he greeted me in that café. I wasn't even supposed to be there. But seeing him through the window made me want to enter to interact with him. When he gave me my change back and that free coffee I felt special. I left him the rest of the money I got back in the tip jar. But I made sure to keep the shiny quarter so I could have something to remember him by. Him offering me a free coffee made my day a bit better too. He was nice to me. And that was all it took for me to like him a bit. While thinking about that day over and over I fell asleep hoping I could get to see him again to thank him.

~Hours Later~

It wasn't until I was yanked up with force that caused me to wake up.

"Get the fuck up NOW."

I leaned against the wall as I tried to focus my blurry vision. As my vision cleared, I could see it was the brothel owner looking at me fuming while holding my papers.

"So you tried to run away?" He asked while looking at my papers.

Upon now fully realizing and hearing the brothel owner, along with his pet Pitt bull named Wolf,I began to tear up. Is was definitely a peculiar name for a dog that looked nothing like a wolf but it did do his personality and behavior justice. I'd always been afraid of Wolf. He was much bigger than other dogs I had seen. And sure as hell 100 times scarier.

"Did you really think you could be free?.....or did you forget that collar has a tracking device on it?..."

I instantly reached down to my collar after forgetting I still had it on.

"Either way, now because of your little stunt I'll have to compensate Master Brian to a week of free nights at the brothel." He spat angrily. "But at least now I'd have my favorite little subby back by my side. Consider yourself lucky, if you were anyone else I wouldn't have hesitated to have Wolf here maul you to death." He commented blankly as he turned to see Wolf growling and baring his sharp teeth.

I shook fearfully at the threatening sight of Wolf.

"Come, I have a brutal punishment lined up for you when we get back. You been extremely disobedient and that calls for extreme measures." He said while turning and walking towards a van. Although I wanted to run the opposite direction I knew Wolf would tackle and shred me up if I did.

I followed him as I held onto my quarter praying for a miracle.

🦋Author Note🦋
Hello my readers🤍 I know this chapter was short but I wanted to show a bit of Noah more than I originally was going to. As I revised my story plans over, I had a quick thought to maybe become open to having Noah, Vincent and James all come together. It seemed to bring more drama and appear to be way more interesting than what I originally had planned for this story I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. If so let me know! Leave me a little comment.

Ps. Don't worry I didn't forget about doing the Q&A I will be doing them at the end of this week on Friday, so stayed tuned. Until next time🦋💙

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