~Chapter 11~

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It's so quiet now.  I thought."Gosh, I miss Ryan already." I huffed silently to myself.

"I hoped you enjoyed the time you spent seeing your friend." James said aloud while walking over the fridge.

"I...I did. I didn't realize how much I missed him." I mumbled out.

As James began speaking again, I could hear the sound of glass bottles gently clanking against each other. "I also hope Maddy's and Harold's feud haven't scared you off to wanting to befriend them."

James then backed away from the refrigerator holding a cold coke soda taking a sip. "If you plan on accepting to being my sub, you will see them often. And the last thing I would want is for you all fighting and arguing. Those two have a knack for doing that every now and then. But for you, I won't allow such behavior."

I nodded. It's typical for a dom to not want their submissive to act out. Especially around others since it would reflect bad on them.

"Good. Also, I've made arrangements for you to see a doctor. I want to know how your healing from a medical professional's opinion."

"Huh? Sir I'm fine. I really am. I don't want to trouble you so much. Plus I don't have any money to afford a doctor visit." I uttered remorsefully.

I knew I didn't have enough money to see a doctor. And since James wasn't my official master, I didn't get free healthcare though being his submissive. Hell, I wasn't even sure if Peter filled out the paperwork work to release me from his custody and ownership. I'm sure if he didn't, my decision to to be with James wouldn't matter, since he still has me signed under his name. All I knew was that he beat me and took my collar.

I bowed my head in disappointment at the thought of Peter once again. I never knew one person could make you go from a perfect state to something so pitiful.

James placed his bottle down on the counter then made his way over to my sunken state. He stood in front of me making me look up at him gently. "Hey, it's okay. I have a personal doctor that can see you on my account. You won't have to pay me back or anything. Your mines to take care of for right now, so know your in good hands."

I leaned my head on him as comfort and felt at ease. Who would've thought we would've been this intimate when seeing each other for the first time.

....Later that night....

"I can see you nodding off over there." James said without looking up from his papers. I rubbed my eyes and sat up fully.

After speaking in the kitchen, I wanted to be near James, so he let me join him in his office. Only as long as I didn't make much noise. When I first entered his office, I saw Tyson. He was already in the office laying on a fancy black dog bed by James' desk. I gave a little smile to him and surprisingly, he stood and walked up to me to sniff me again. After being sniffed again he let me rub his head and followed me to a couch James had in his office. He laid by my side on the floor obediently. I was given an iPad to to distract myself with,and within 2 1/2 hours, I had watched countless YouTube videos and downloaded stupid games.

Afterwards we went back to the kitchen and cooked dinner. We had fun dicing up vegetables for the soup we planned on making. We then ate and went back to his office.

I was now stuffed and beginning to become sleepy.

"I think that's enough work for tonight. I'm exhausted myself. But before I go to sleep, I'll help you bathe." James said in between a stretch.

I blushed as he stood from his desk and rubbed his neck.

I liked the idea of James helping and caring for me and couldn't hide my blush. On top of that, when he stood and stretched I could see a glimmer glimpse of his stomach that was well toned and had sculpted abs with a trail of hair that led down into his pants.

"Come now, let get you ready for bed." James said with a smirk.

"Oh gosh. Did he catch me looking at him?" I thought anxiously as I stood and made our way to the bathroom.

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