~Chapter 40~

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~James' Point of View~

I sat in my office as I finished looking over files from work. I was sure the boys had went to bed by now and decided I would join them later. I continued with completing documents until I was disturbed by my phone ringing. It was Zayne.

"Yeah? Any updates on the whereabouts of Peter?" I asked.

"Heh, straight to business aye?" He responded sarcastically.

"Yeah. I been waiting for you to get back to me for awhile."

Zayne chuckled as I recalled asking him to do a search for Peter while on the phone with him earlier while in the mall.

"I checked his recent card transactions and I came across that he has it linked to making payments for his home across town."

"What's the address?" I asked impatiently. I was more than thrilled to give him a well deserving visit soon.

"Woah, so your just gonna show up at his house and beat him?" Zayne chuckled.

"Partially...yes...and to demand Vincent's ownership papers." I gritted out aggressively.

"And...so...what...your gonna have your subs with you or something?" Zayne asked in a more serious tone. I knew he was now grasping the severity of the situation.

"Hell no. I'll make sure Birmingham is here tomorrow with them before I head out. I'm definitely paying this scumbag a visit tomorrow. It's bad enough he got away with abusing Vincent, but he will no longer hold legal ownership over him any longer."

"Im surprised he hasn't filed him as missing by now." Zayne added as I heard him typing on his laptop.

"He doesn't care about Vincent. He never did. That's why he never took any action on finding him." I argued. I was beyond pissed at the thought of coming face to face with the man that had the audacity to treat someone so horribly and not feel guilty.

"Well....his address is
745 Capewood Creak."

"Thank-you. I'll be sure to swing by tomorrow afternoon."

"Hmpf, just don't kill him." He said tiredly. "My guys are still cleaning and getting rid of the bodies we killed from our little raid with Randy."

"I'll try." I huffed.

And with that, Zayne and I both hung up. I made sure to write Peter's address down on sticky note before heading upstairs to bed.

Upon entering my room, I seen Vincent and Noah sleeping peacefully while holding each other. A small smile crept its way upon my face at the sight of seeing them. I never thought I would've ever had two subs now, yet alone ever. But these two had found a way into my life both suddenly, and I was keen on keeping them. I got undressed and made my way towards my bathroom.

During my entire shower I could only think about smashing in Peter's door and beating his ass. I don't like to think violently like that, but when someone crosses me, or my subs, I felt no remorse for them. I calmed my thoughts down by thinking of the events that took place today with my subs. Minus the trip to the office where they became uncomfortable. I thought about Vincent's and Noah's little conversations at the restaurant and how they picked out clothes together. I made sure to make mental notes of what they each liked and chatted about.

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