The Night Before Things Went Crazy

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Greg's POV

When school was finally over, I waited for Rodrick to pick me up. He was a little late, as always, but he eventually showed up.

"Get in!" Rodrick shouted out the window as he stopped the van.

I rolled my eyes and got in the passengers seat. I buckled my seat belt, shut the door, and we drove off.

"Don't bother me tonight." Rodrick told me. " I have to practice with my band tonight for an upcoming gig, and I don't want you messing everything up."

"Alright." I said, annoyed. "Like I was going to talk to you anyway."

"Good." Rodrick said.

When we got home, I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door. That was when Rodrick shoved me out of the van and I landed on my face.

"Oh my god dude!" Rodrick shouted at me as he was laughing like crazy.

"What is wrong with you?!" I yelled at him. "Why do like to make my life a living nightmare?!"

"Because... it's fun." Rodrick said as he got out of the van.

I ran inside the house and went up into my room. I called up Rowley so we could play Twisted Wizards together. But before I could call him, I heard my mom knock on the door.

"What do you need mom?" I asked her.

"Well honey," Mom started. "I saw this stone while I was outside. It looked really pretty, and I was wondering if you wanted it."

I looked at it for a few seconds. It did look pretty cool. It was grey with some red, brown, and white stripes on it. It looked good enough to keep.

"Sure." I told her.

"Alright, I love you." Mom said as she gave me the stone and shut my door.

I put the stone on my dresser and called Rowley to see if he wanted to come over.

Rodrick's POV

When I went inside the house, I called my bandmates to see when they were going to come so we could practice. They said that they would arrive at about 6:00, so I would have some time to think about how we would put on the show.

I went up into my room and got out my notepad so I could write down some ideas. I thought it would be cool if we got a smoke machine, or some cool lights. I had to write those ideas down!

After a long while of waiting, it was finally 6:00 and my bandmates came over. We went into the garage and started to get ready for practice. And as soon as we started to play, I saw Greg and his stupid friend Rowley walk in and sit down.

"What are you doing in here?!" I shouted. "You told me that you wouldn't bother me!"

"Well, I guess I changed my mind." Greg told me.

"Ummm... we should probably leave Greg. I don't want him to get mad at us." Rowley said.

"Yeah, you should!" I yelled at Greg.

"I'm not scared of Rodrick! I can go wherever I want!" Greg yelled.

"Rodrick, are you going to get your annoying brother to leave anytime soon?" My bandmate asked.

"No problem dude." I said as I started to get up and chase Greg out of the garage.

I chased Greg out of the garage and got him into his room.

"Hey, I thought you said you weren't scared of me!" I said after I finally chased Greg into his bedroom.

"I'm not!" Greg yelled.

"You told me that you wouldn't bother us!" I yelled. "We are trying to get a lot of practice in before our show in two days, and you are just making everything harder!"

"Aww look at me! I'm Rodrick and my life is so hard!" Greg mocked.

"Well I know it's harder than your life!" I shouted. "All you do is hang out with Rowley and do absolutely nothing!"

"You think I have an easy life?!" Greg shouted. "At lunch, I have to eat by the trashcans!"

"Well at least you aren't treated like you're an idiot all the time!" I shouted at him.

Greg's POV

"Oh whatever!" I yelled.

Then, I picked up the stone mom gave me. I thought that rubbing it would calm me down. But all of a sudden, I felt Rodrick try to take it away from me.

"Aww! Little Greg wants to play with his little Rock!" Rodrick mocked as he was pulling the stone away from me.

"What is your deal?!" I yelled as I tried to pull the stone away from him.

"I just wish you could understand what my life is like!" Rodrick yelled.

"Well I wish you knew what my life was like too!" I yelled back at him.

Rodrick managed to take the stone from me and ran out of my room.

"Hey! Give that back!" I yelled as I chased after him.

"No way dude!" He laughed as he ran up to his room.

I almost went into his room, but he slammed the door before I could go inside.

After a few minutes, Rodrick left his room to practice for his stupid gig with his band. When he was gone, I checked his room for my stone, but I couldn't find it.

Eventually, the day was over and I changed into my pajamas and I got into bed.

Little did I know, the stone mom gave me would change me and Rodrick's lives forever.

The next chapter is when the fun begins! 😊

Word count: 926

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