Finding The Stone

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Greg's POV

I drove up to my school to pick up Rodrick. It was still hard to drive, but it was starting to get a little easier. Rodrick got in the passenger's seat and we drove off.

"So, how did the day go?" Rodrick asked me.

It took me a few seconds before I spoke.

"You didn't tell me that this band thing was supposed to be a competition." I told him.

Rodrick looked really confused.

"What?" He asked me. "Of course it's a competition. It's called battle of the bands for a reason."

"Yeah, that what your bandmates said." I responded.

"You asked them?" Rodrick asked. "Great! Now they all think I'm an idiot!"

"Well..... you kind of are one." I told him.

"Shut up." Rodrick said as he glared at me.

"So, how did you do as me?" I asked him.

"I thought I did pretty well." Rodrick told me.

"Thank goodness." I sighed.

"What? Did you think that I wasn't going to do a good job?" Rodrick asked me, apparently hearing me sigh.

"Well, you usually do try to ruin my life as much as you can, so my mind went to that direction." I told him.

"Whatever." Rodrick said as he rolled his eyes.

"So, do you have any idea of where you put that stone?" I asked him.

Rodrick took a minute to think.

"I still have no clue." Rodrick said sadly.

"Come on!" I said frustrated.

"Ok I'm sorry!" Rodrick yelled.

Whenever we got home, we jumped out of the van and ran to the house. I got out Rodrick's house key and quickly unlocked the door. We needed to hurry because we had to have as much time as we could to look for the stone before Rodrick's bandmates came over to practice.

As we were running upstairs, mom saw us.

"Hey guys!" Mom shouted to get our attention. "Why are you boys in such a hurry?"

We then stopped and went to her. We both knew that she would come after us and ask us again anyway, so why not answer now?

"Ummm..." Rodrick started. "We were both going to do some homework together! My amazing brother said he was going to help me with it."

"Yep!" I said. "I have to help out my awesome little bro!"

I then put my arm around Rodrick. I already knew that he was internally cringing like I was.

"That's awesome guys!" Mom cheerfully said. "I'm really glad that you guys are starting to get along!"

"Yeah!" Rodrick said nervously.

"Ok well, have fun boys!" Mom said as she left.

"We will!" I told her, trying to sound as cheerful as possible.

When mom left, I took my arm off of Rodrick. Then we ran upstairs to Rodrick's room.

"Ok. So where do you think it might be?" I asked Rodrick when we got to his room.

"Ummm.." He started. "It might be in my nightstand drawer."

We both looked in the nightstand drawer. Sure enough, it wasn't there.

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