Chapter Thirty Four.

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Chapter Thirty Four. 

            As our first day came to an end in Las Vegas, Everyone had gone into their separate rooms and as soon as we got into ours Justin locked the door behind him and headed into the bathroom. I guess he hadn’t forgotten about what I had said earlier and I followed directly behind him, watching as he turned on the faucet of the huge tub and poured the bubbles into it to create what I had envisioned.

            “I got the uh, wine too.” He said with a nervous little smile and pointed over to two glasses. “It’s white. Do you like that?”

            He rubbed his hands onto his shorts in a rapid motion, licking his lips as well before he continued his stare on me to see what I’d say. I have no idea why on earth he’s so nervous but it’s adorable.

            “Hey.” I giggled softly, wrapping my arms around his neck. “What’s going on?”

            “I’m nervous. Like, really nervous.”

            “Why? Since when the hell are you nervous?”

            “Ever since you. I don’t know why I am but you just make me get like this when we’re alone. It’s weird, I know. I’m sorry.”

            All you could hear was the tub filling up with water and the room was dark from the light being off, the candles illuminating the two of us together and I just thought to myself in this moment how lucky I was to have found someone who cares about my presence so much. Someone who honestly cherishes me and wants the best for me is something I can’t be more thankful for.

            “It’s not weird.” I said, beginning to slowly take the belt off of his pants. “It means more to me than you know.”

            His pants fell on the bathroom floor, as well as his briefs, and as he unhooked the straps of my bikini I slid my bottoms down, shocked when bubbles landed onto my feet.

            “Justin!” I laughed hysterically, turning the faucet off. “Oh my god you put way too much bubbles in.”

            He focused his attention on the water and started to laugh as well when the bubbles were so high above the water it looked like some sort of a mountain. We can’t do anything though without something going wrong so it doesn’t really surprise me.

            “Shit.” He grinned, stepping into it. “Well, more bubbles for us.”

            Following his lead, I stepped into the tub as well and sat down next to him as he passed me my glass and we both laughed again from hardly being able to see each other over the bubbles. The hot water felt good on my skin and I rested my head on the back of his arm as it came around my shoulder. We’ve never taken a bath together before but it certainly felt amazing.

            “I’m having a lot of fun.” He admitted, taking a sip of his wine. “The trip just started and I’m already having the best time of my life.”

            “When did things change for you?” I suddenly asked out of nowhere. It was so random but it was the first thing that popped into my head.

            “What do you mean?”

            “I mean what made you see me as something more than just another girl to have sex with? Justin we were just two people who had sex for like a half a year and then suddenly things changed and I just want to know when it changed for you.”

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