Wolfy Reactions (Teddy Lupin)

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~Author's Note~

Just wanted to say that Remus and Nymphadora (Tonk) are alive in this so that you don't get confused or anything. Don't forget to vote and Enjoy!


"Y/N!" My mother called from downstairs, "Are you ready? We're going to be late if you're not!"

I grinned and jumped off of my bed, sprinting from my room and to where my mother and father were waiting, "I'm here, I'm here!" I skidded to a stop in front of them and they both looked at me with amusement, "Let's get this show on the road!"

They agreed and my father picked up my trunk which we had left in the sitting room for when we had to leave. It was such a mission to bring it downstairs earlier. The only other luggage I had was a bookbag which I hung over my shoulder that had a few books, some money, a notebook, random bottles of herb, a mirror, chapstick and a bunch of chocolates in it. I'd be able to buy more on the train but I needed my personal stash.

I also had my owl who sat peacefully asleep in his cage. I kind of wanted to get a cat as well but apparently, you were only allowed one pet at Hogwarts so I settled with the owl that I loved from the moment I set eyes on him. He was a very handsome creature.

The three of us held onto one another then, in an instant, we were in a train station. I gazed around with pure excitement and fascination. I'd been to many train stations due to the amount of travelling my parents and I did to see relatives but this train station was different - it contained a train that would take me to Hogwarts and that was enough to make it different and amazing.

My father led the way since he had been to Hogwarts once or twice before for business, not that I knew what that business was. It was pretty boring stuff being a part of the Ministry in France but I listened intently whenever he spoke about it since he was so passionate about his position.

My mother wasn't so lucky in the jobs department since she was a werewolf. Yes, things were a lot better for her kind after Remus Lupin showed that werewolves could be just as brilliant as ordinary witches and wizards and after Hermione Granger-Weasley became the Minister for magic, but it was still tough since she would miss days each month.

Luckily, my father made more than enough money for us to live comfortably.

Unlike my mother who inherited her wolfy traits from her father, I was devoid of any werewolf characteristics. I was, however, a little odd compared to most witches and wizards. My whole family was odd, or like my grandmother said, special.

We were from a long line of witches and wizards, apparently related to Helga Hufflepuff in some way or other, who was very gifted in the healing department. He could heal even the most devastating of wounds on people and animals and found it easier to identify the curses placed on people. Sadly, this gift came with 2 issues.

The first issue was that we weren't very gifted in other types of magic no matter how hard we tried. An uncle of mine had devoted years to mastering potions yet it still didn't pay off and he ended up dying after it exploded in his face. Nasty business it was cleaning that up.

The second issue was the effect our presence has on werewolves. Most animals are quite comfortable around us, even the magical ones, but werewolves are a bit different. Apparently, after a relative refused to heal someone, they cursed our family bloodline so that werewolves would be attracted to us and would want to kill us. Luckily, the person who tried to curse us wasn't in very good shape so the curse was different to what they had intended. Werewolves are attracted to our scent which evokes different emotions in them such as sadness, anger, happiness or fear depending on the person.

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