Perfectionist Artist (Percy Weasley)

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>Author's Noter<
This one is shorter than the last one because I didn't really know what else I could add to it and because I don't want to have too many long oneshots in a row. They are supposed to be short stories after all. Well, I'm not sure if there is anything I really have to tell you about the story for you to understand it.
I hope you enjoy the story. Vote and comment what you think. Thanks!

I'd always been ditzy and forgetful for as long as I could remember, not that I remember much about anything and everything. It wasn't something that ran in my family or anything so it was just me that was different and was always a clumsy person.

I wasn't all that great at anything other than one thing. I had average marks even though I had a vast knowledge of things that were useless. I had average looks and wouldn't pull off a short skirt or a skin tight dress. I was average in everything except art. I could paint like I was some sort of famous painter. I could draw and it would be an exact image of what I had seen or imagined. I mainly did drawing because it was easier to carry around a notepad than a whole canvas and paints. I would sketch people I found interesting, places I wanted to visit and things that I found fascinating.

I decided that I didn't want anyone to know about my talent because I wasn't interested in being given attention and praise because of some artwork that I did. No one knew about it; not even my best friends, Percy, Fred and George.

Percy and I might not have been in the same year but we got along well. I was in the same year as Fred and George. The two twins had taken to me in our first year so, obviously I was taken to the Burrow after a while. I might have seen Percy a few times around the school before that time but him and I hit it off when I arrived at the Burrow to spend the weekend.

Percy would get annoyed with me very often because of how forgetful I was but he could never stay angry at me for long. He had told me that it was unfair on him that all I had to do was give him a certain smile and he couldn't even try to be upset with me. It was unintentional for me though because I never really remembered it was his weakness. I always just smiled at him that was subconsciously and if I was asked to smile the same way when it wasn't for an angry Percy then I wouldn't do it the same way.

The fact that I had that sort of affect on him made me quite happy because I had the biggest crush on him. I hadn't told him though and I doubt that I ever would. I had tried to draw him many times because of my crush on him but it never turned out correctly. He was the only person that I couldn't draw perfectly. It wasn't like I was trying to boast but I was just stating a fact that I could draw anyone and anything except Percy.

It might have been because I liked him and I wanted a picture of him to be beyond perfect but there was always something off about the picture and it infuriated me more than anything. I felt as though my skills weren't up to the standard of his unique appearance. I wouldn't give up though. I was planning to try and try and try to draw him until I got it perfect.

That's what I had planned when I arrived at the Burrow during the holiday. Of course, I would hang out with Fred and George, Bill, Charlie, Ginny, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Mr and Mrs Weasley as well but I really wanted to spend the time trying to draw Percy exactly how he was.

I flood over a second ago and was immediately scooped up into the arms of the ginger haired twins. They had already started chatting up a storm about how they had missed me and how they couldn't survive with the thought of us not being together for more than a second. They really were rather dramatic but it was cute that they cared about me so much and I appreciated that.

Molly suddenly appeared in my line of sight and trotted over hurriedly, smacking her sons and demanding that they let me go so that I could breathe. They did as their mother asked them and she hugged me tightly, "It's so good to see you again, daling." She whispered then turned to her two sons, "Be gentlemen and take her bags up to the room she'll be staying in!" I winced at the volume of her voice.

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