Happy Accident (Sirius Black)

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-Author's Note-

Another amazing request from 

I quite enjoyed writing this one and I hope you have fun reading it. Don't forget to vote. Enjoy!


I fidgeted with the hem of my shirt, unsure whether it was good enough to wear to the train station where I would be seen by all the other witches and wizards that I'd be going to Hogwarts with.

I had been rummaging through my limited wardrobe for a while and still couldn't decide what was good and what wasn't. None of my clothing was very appealing but there had to be something that looked reasonably decent, right? If there was, I didn't seem to be able to find it and it was getting depressing.

"Y/N!" My mother yelled for me from downstairs and I sighed, deciding that I'd just stick with the shirt I was wearing. I pulled on some jeans and pretended the random patches of different fabric was because it was trendy and not because the pants were so old that holes were worn into them that needed patching up.

I threw the remainder of my clothing into my trunk and wheeled it out of my room and to the sitting room where my mother was standing and waiting. She gave me a disapproving look before striding away to the door, expecting me to follow. I did but dragged my feet the whole way.

Maybe things would be better at Hogwarts. At least there I probably wouldn't be treated like a freak.

I heaved my trunk into the boot of our car and struggled to close it again, the mechanism being pretty faulty much like everything else we owned. I hurried back inside to get the last of my things as well as my cat who purred quietly. I gave her a gentle pat before picking her up and putting her into the basket I managed to buy for her.

When I had everything I went back to the car and climbed into the backseat where I could play with my cat and didn't have to worry as much about the dirty looks my mother sent my way.

The drive was long and almost completely silent apart from the occasional purr from my cat and the few times my mothers' temper got the better of her and she slammed her fist against the hooter at someone who probably didn't deserve to be assaulted with the loud sound so early in the day.

When we arrived she refused to get out of the car. I didn't expect her to and so I got out of the car without a complaint and retrieved my things before stepping away. She didn't look at me once before driving away.

I watched the car disappear before I sighed and turned towards the station, looking up at the rather daunting sight. I entered the station slowly, struggling under the weight of my heavy bags. It was alright though. Maybe I could actually build some muscle if I lugged around the things. I doubted that though since I didn't eat enough for it to be turned into muscle.

I made it to platform nine and was thoroughly confused when the next platform was platform ten. Where was platform nine and three quarters?

I looked around frantically but couldn't find any sign of it. When I asked the conductor, he just laughed and walked away muttering about silly kids and their tricks. I watched him go with a panicked expression on my face. I was going to be late if I didn't find the platform soon and then I'd have to go home and explain why I wasn't at school. That wouldn't be good.

I continued to look around for a while, asking random people who looked nice if they knew where the platform was. None of them did and a few people looked me up and down like I was some piece of dirty mould on their sandwich. It hurt but I was used to looks like that from my mother so it didn't hurt that much.

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