Quidditch and Kisses (Oliver Wood)

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{Author's Note}
This one is a bit short. I had no clue what to write at a few moments in this story but I think it turned out well... I hope it turned out well. Haha... I like Oliver Wood but I'm quite sure that this isn't like him in the movie and the books. I'm sorry about that. I still hope you enjoy it because I had a great time writing it today and yesterday. I hope you enjoy the story!

Hogwarts is an amazing place, it really is. Y/N’s house is exquisite as well with a tall exterior and multiple cosy rooms but neither are her favourite places. It isn’t Hogsmeade, it isn’t Diagon Alley, it isn’t the Burrow, it isn’t the Order Headquarters or any Muggle place. Her favourite place, in the entire world, is the Quidditch pitch.

She sits on the stands as she watches her friends zoom through the air on their broomsticks. Ginny, Cormac, Ron, Dean and Harry are all on the pitch practising with the rest of the team. More than an hour had passed since she first came to watch and they were nearly finished. The twins are sitting on either side of her, battling not to start cheering for their siblings as they dart around.

The Quaffle slips through the goal and Harry claps and returns to the ground, the rest of the team following him as he does so, “Alright everyone, that’s it for today. We’ll be here same time tomorrow. We did well this practice but we need to -” He pauses when he sees the three familiar faces walking towards them on the pitch. A wide grin spreads over his face and the rest of the team turns to look at the three approaching figures.

Ginny smiled at her brothers, “Fred, George, what are you doing here?” She asks enthusiastically. She hugs the two twins and they both laugh and talk with her. Ron joined them after a few moments while the rest of the team gathered around Y/N with wide grins.

Cormac lent and arm on her shoulder, “It’s been a while, L/N. Did you come to visit me? I knew you thought I was handsome.” He says with a million dollar smile.

Y/N looks up at him under her eyelashes with an innocent smile, “Cormac, dear, please remove your arm from my shoulder?” She asks but doesn’t give him the time to do so before pushing her arm off of her. She gives him a stern look and he backs away from her.

Harry chuckles and steps forward, offering her a hand to shake, “It’s been a while Y/N. We miss you and the twins. You really need to come and watch more of our games, we enjoy having you cheering on the sidelines.”

“Don’t forget her foolproof game plays.” Dean adds and the team nods.

Y/N looks down at Harry’s hand and frowns, “Really, Harry?” She asks and the two grin before hugging. Cormac scoffs and Y/N smacks him behind the head as she continues to hug Harry, “I’m sorry I wasn’t here the last few times you played. I’m just so busy these days. Puddlemere United keeps a girl running.”

The two pull apart and Dean envelopes her into a hug, “Who cares about Puddlemere United, well besides Wood. You need to come to our games and help us out with plays. We miss the old days.” He says in his usual upbeat tone, grinning at Cormac who still pouts about not being able to have the smallest bit of intimacy with the beautiful Quidditch player. Y/N rolls her eyes and the to seperate.

An arm appears on either of her shoulders, both belonging to a different twin, “Yeah Y/N. You need to come watch more games.”


“And you need to visit the joke shop more.”

“Really, woman. You just have to.”

“George nearly had a heart attack when you suddenly showed up asking if we wanted to go watch them practice.”

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