Wolf Code (Remus Lupin)

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\\Author's Note\\
I'm not sure how I feel about this one because it was supposed to be a whole lot longer than it is now. It could hae gone on and on for ages but I decided to skip a few things I wanted to include. I hope it's still good though.
Remus's werewolf form isn't the one like in the movie but like the one in the book, a werewolf that actually just looks like an overgrown wolf.
Vote and tell me what you think of the story.
[Remus’s Point of View]

It wasn’t less than a minute of being at the train station and I was already pulled into a gang of troublemakers. We called ourselves the marauders after a while and everyone else did the same. We were a mischievous bunch and all had a role of sorts. Sirius or Padfoot was a charmer and helped with getting away with out tricks because of the ability he had for sweet-talking anyone. James or Prongs was what Muggles called a sort of jock and he was like the leader of our crew. Peter or Wormtail was Sirius’s shadow and so he posed as a sidekick of sorts. I was the one who got them out of trouble and was the most responsible, sometimes the brains behind our tricks and adventures when James needed an extra hand with logics, I was basically the mother of the group and we all knew it.

We met on the train and were immediately inseparable. We tried to find an empty compartment but there weren’t any. There was one that had only one person inside it so James knocked on the door, “Can we sit with you? The other compartments are full.” He informed the girl sitting inside the compartment.

She turned to us slowly and her eyes lingered on me for a moment then she gave a single nod, looking out of the window to her side after the short gesture. We all looked at one another and walked in, created by an awkward silence. She ignored our presence and and it was a bit strange.

Sirius leaned forward, closer to her, and cleared his throat, “I’m Sirius Black.” He introduces and she looked at him with a dull look then nods and turned away. He looked at us for a moment then pushed on, “So, who are you?”

She returned to facing him with a sigh, “Why would you like to know that?” She asked with a bored tone that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

He grinned, obviously not getting the message that she wasn’t interested or ignoring it completely. I would definitely have to get used to that part of his personality if we were going to be a crew, “It’s my hobby to collect names of fair maidens that I come across in my life.” He said with a charming smile.

She gave him a deadpan look and turned to the rest of us in the compartment, leaving his suggestive words hanging. He was only eleven, what on earth was up with him, “Who are the rest of you then?”

James had been sitting next to  Pettigrew and leans forward so the girl could see him. He offers her a hand to shake and she eyed it for a moment then shook it, “I’m James Potter.”

Peter gave her a small smile and shook her hand hesitantly, “I’m Peter Pettigrew.”

She looked passed Sirius, not needing him to introduce himself again and her eyes settled on me, “Who are you?” She asked with a slight hint of curiosity that seemed to upset Sirius because he scoffed and leaned back in his chair, not believing that she was paying me more attention than him.

I nodded and introduced myself, “I’m Remus Lupin.” I didn’t try to shake her hand because the gesture was obviously something she didn’t really enjoy too much. I could see that and so I chose to respect that. She blinked at me for a moment the laughs slightly. I frowned, ignoring the fact that her laugh was a rather beautiful thing, “What’s so funny? Is there something wrong with my name?”

She calmed down and returned to having a dull expression, shaking her head, “Your first name means moon and your last name means moon so your whole first and second name together translates to Moon-Moon.” She commented, biting back her amusement. James, Peter and Sirius laughed.

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