My Heart Skipped a Beat

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Kara's POV: 

I get back to my loft for the first time since Ezra and I broke up. Just like he said he would, all of Ezra's things were gone, as if he had never stepped foot in the loft. He did, however, leave a note on the fridge. 

Thank you for everything. You were the best thing that ever happened to me. If you ever need anything, you know where to find me. 



I grin while reading the note and put it down on the kitchen table. I can't believe things got so complicated, so fast. If Imra hadn't been so selfish– if she had just thought things through–this could have all been avoided. I wouldn't have had to break Mon-El or Ezra's hearts and mine wouldn't be breaking right now. 

For the first time in years, I open my closet and take out a box filled with Mon-El's things and looked through them. I found mostly clothes, his glasses, all his impulsive purchases, and his books– except for Romeo and Juliet, that one was still on my night stand. I take one of his hoodies and put in on. It still smelled like him, after all this time. I lay down on my bed, open his copy of Romeo and Juliet, and read it all in one sitting. I forgot how amazing his annotations were and I laughed, cried, and rolled my eyes throughout the entire thing. I found some photo booth pictures of us that he used as a bookmark and stared at them for some time. 

This. This was stolen from me. And I don't know if I'll ever get it back. I feel my eyes closing and fall asleep, thinking about him. 


It's been a week since our fight with Pestilence and Mon-El still hasn't woken up. I don't understand why, no one does. We're just hoping that with enough exposure to the yellow sun lamps, he'll be able to fully heal and wake up soon. I haven't talked to Imra since she told me the truth. She's tried coming up to me several times but quite frankly, I can't even look at her. Everyone else knows the truth too, I guess my outburst was pretty loud. Apparently Sussa was so mad at Imra that she almost sent her back to the 31st century. 

As I walk in the DEO, I see Drake jump up from his seat and walk towards me. 

"Drake, what's wrong?" I ask. 

"Well, there's news. Good or bad news first?" he replies.

"Uh, bad...?"

"Sussa found Pestilence. She's getting ready to go after her right now" Drake tells me.

"Why isn't someone stopping her? What about Dawnstar? Is she going too?" 

"Dawnstar backed out. She didn't say anything before but once Sussa found Pestilence Dawnstar told her she didn't wanna kill her. So that's part of the bad news. Sussa's even more mad now." 

"Well, we need a plan. Fast." 

"Yeah, of course. Alex, Winn, and the Legion are working on it."

"Ok, and the good news?"

"Oh! Mon-El's awake!" 

As soon as he said that, I ran up to the med bay and found Mon-El sitting on the edge of his bed, looking down and playing with his hands. I opened the door and he looked up at me with a smile. I ran up to him, hugging him tightly. 

"Ok, hi, hello!" Mon-El says, surprised by my hug.

"Oh my Rao, you're awake!" I sigh. 

"Yeah, I'm ok... I hope I didn't make you guys worry too much!" he replies with a laugh. 

"You had me worried sick!" I say as I pull away from the hug and hit him playfully. "But I'm glad you're ok..."

"Well, I'm glad that you're the first person I get to talk to after being in a coma." Mon-El states. 

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